Saturday 4 July 2015

Nj Cure Auto Insurance New Jersey - Safety Driving Tips

Nj Cure Auto Insurance New Jersey - Safety Driving Tips

Njcure (Nj Cure Auto Insurance) Safety Driving Tips
Tips to drive safe.

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  • Drinking and driving is the leading cause of death for Americans between the ages of 17 and 24.
  • The cost of an average DUI is $3,000.
  • Deer are most active between 5 and 8 pm.
  • Headlights have an illumination range of 200 to 250 feet. To allow for sufficient brake time, reduce your speed to 45 miles per hour at night.
  • Keep in mind that deer wander in groups. If you see one crossing the road, be alert for more deer that could be following.
  • Keep headlights on one hour before dusk and one hour after dawn to increase your vehicle's visibility.
  • Regularly clean the interior of your windshield to eliminate glare while driving at night.
  • Light is reflected back off of the fog, so using your high beams can reduce visibility.
  • Drunk-driver-related accident fatalities are at their highest on Friday and Saturday nights.
  • Distances are more difficult to gauge at night.
  • If your car breaks down at night, turn on emergency lights and the inner dome light and don't get out of your car until assistance arrives. You are safer in your car with your seat belt on.
  • Adjust your car's headrest to a height behind your head – not your neck – to minimize whiplash in case you are involved in an accident.
  • Never try to fit more people into your car than you have seatbelts for.
  • Never use cruise control in wet or slippery conditions.
  • Never attempt to make repairs to a vehicle while it is in an area exposed to other traffic.
  • Keep items in your vehicle such as flares, flashlights, blankets, water, and a first aid kit.
  • Avoid smoking while driving at night. The nicotine and carbon monoxide in smoke impairs night vision.
  • Using your headlights during the day and early evening makes it easier for other drivers to see you.
  • If you find yourself hydroplaning, do not brake or turn suddenly. Ease your foot off the gas pedal until the car slows and you can feel the road again.
  • Avoid hydroplaning by keeping your tires inflated correctly and maintaining good tire tread.
  • When signs of fatigue begin to show, get off the road. Take a brisk walk or a short nap in a safe and well-lit area.
  • The best defense against a drunk driver is wearing your seat belt.
  • Check your shoes. Removing ice and snow from your shoes before getting in your vehicle helps avoid fogging windows. As they melt, they create moisture build-up, causing fog on the inside. If you forget, turn on your air conditioner for a few minutes which counteracts the fog by becoming a dehumidifier.
  • Slow down when approaching intersections, off-ramps, bridges or shady spots. These all have potential to develop black ice. Due to the difference in the exposure to air and sunlight, the surface condition can be even worse on a bridge or a shaded area.
  • Don't pass snow plows or sanding trucks. These drivers have limited visibility and you're more likely to find that the road in front of them is worse than the road behind. Stay patient and follow behind at a safe distance.
  • Remove snow and ice from your car before driving. This not only helps your visibility but ensures your safety and the safety of other drivers. Don't forget to remove ice and snow from the roof or your car as it has the potential to fly off and cause serious injury to other drivers. Also don't forget to clean off your headlights and taillights.
  • Check the exhaust pipe. When winter weather arrives make sure your exhaust pipe isn't clogged with snow, ice or mud. A blocked exhaust could cause deadly carbon monoxide gas to leak into the passenger compartment when the engine is running.
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Who can receive CURE auto insurance?
To receive CURE insurance, you must have the following:
• At least three years of hands on driving experience, during which no more than 9 points can be deducted by traffic violations.
• If however you are in two collisions and not at fault in both, it will not count against you.
• No driving while intoxicated or driving under the influence (DWI/DUI) violations for the previous five years. This applies to the applicant and anyone living at the same residence.
CURE only considers families if the oldest child is not less than 4 years from driving age. This enables CURE Auto Insurance's executives proper time to observe the parents for at least two years before extending its services to a beginning driver.
High car insurance premiums are still a problem in today's fast paced society. If your auto insurance premiums are higher than what you would like them to be, call CURE Auto Insurance. Auto insurance shouldn't put a dent in your wallet or your lifestyle, if it does CURE's well trained staff know just what to do in order to help get your wallet and your life back in shape.

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