Saturday 11 July 2015

So What Does Flood Insurance Cover: It's Not What You Think

So What Does Flood Insurance Cover: It's Not What You Think

Just what does flood insurance cover? First of all like any insurance, rates and coverages vary from one state to another so always keep that in mind when searching. Typically flood insurance is a seperate policy from general homeowners policy. This type of insurance may or may not be available in some areas. Check before you move to see if the area that you've selected to relocate to isn't a flood zone. Flood zones, to insurance companies, are good reasons for higher rated policies or no policy.

For the areas where policies are given the actual coverage may vary. So you've found a great area or piece of property. So many people buy first then seek flood insurance. Checking to see, and one of the most neglected areas when purchasing property, what does flood insurance cover for that property before you get too committed would be wise. There are different types of flood policies when offered. Be sure that when you select this type of insurance coverage that you get coverage for structual and conents as well. Just having structual flood coverage will generally not cover contents or any home improvement type additions like flooring, carpets, or even refinished wall additions.

What does flood insurance cover in the case of, loss of land, as a direct result of flooding? Typically you're covered for floodng that causes septic overflows, drains, property sinking and the like. For loose contents to be covered you must first take inventory, pictures, and keep receipts and record serial numbers. For flood damage that's a result of leaks, or compromises in your home good luck with getting a satisfactory claim through. Even property damage that is severe enough to allow wet weather inside a home that causes extensive water damage does not qualify as Flood damage and isn't covered.


About the Author
Donald Whitehead
Donald Whtehead: Writer/Webmaster 6 Years: Protect All That You Own. Don't Take Chances. Purchase Home Flood Insurance today. Follow The...

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