Saturday 4 July 2015

Auto insurance for drivers over 25 - How To Get Cheaper Insurance Cover

Auto insurance for drivers over 25 - How To Get Cheaper Insurance Cover

Are you looking for cheap auto insurance for drivers over 25?? Want to know how to get the best rates with the best companies? Here's how ...

Auto Insurance for drivers over 25

Auto insurance companies like good drivers and reward them with lower premiums, sometimes as much as 20% less than the standard rate. But what does it take to qualify as a good driver, or "preferred risk driver" as the insurance companies call them drivers over 25 are usually considered better drivers.

1. You cannot have had any moving violations within the last three years.

2. You cannot have caused any auto accidents within the last three years.

3. You must be in your mid-twenties or older.

4. You must have a good credit rating.

Getting Cheap Auto Insurance for Drivers over 25

In addition to the discount you automatically get for being a good driver, here are some other ways to save on your auto insurance if you are over 25.

Consolidate your insurance - Purchase your auto insurance and your homeowners or renters insurance from the same company to get a 5% to 15% discount.

Increase you deductible - Increasing your deductible can drastically reduce your insurance premium, in some cases up to 50%.

Drop your collision and comprehensive coverage - If the value of your car is worth less than the cost of your insurance plus your deductible, you should consider dropping your collision and comprehensive insurance. This can save you 15% to 30% on your premium.

Ask for discounts - Other discounts you may be eligible for include:

* Driver's education discount if you've taken a driver's ed course or a driver's training course.

* Safety discount if your car has air bags, anti-lock brakes, or daytime running lights.

* Security discount if you have anti-theft devices or burglar alarms installed in your car.

Shop Around

To get the cheapest insurance rate possible you need to compare rates from a number of different insurance companies. You can do this by spending a few hours calling local insurance agencies, but the fastest way is to go to an insurance comparison website where it only takes a few minutes to get quotes.Click here for cheaper auto insurance now.


About the Author
Brian Bannon
Here is the #1 resource for cheaper auto insurance just click here to save money now

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