Friday 10 July 2015

Exclusive Insurance Leads for the Local Agent

Exclusive Insurance Leads for the Local Agent

Exclusive Insurance Leads for the Local Agent

Are you looking to grow your insurance agency? A few years ago the only option for an insurance agent was to purchase leads. Most insurance agents will tell you that the leads services were of poor quality at best. & have taken a different approach, providing insurance agents with advertising exclusivity which ultimately generates target leads within their registered zip code.

How exactly does & work?They provide valuable info to their visitors in the Learn the Basics section and they offer an online directory of local insurance agents. They allow for one insurance agent per zip code. This means that if someone is looking for Life or Homeowners Insurance and selects the zipcode that you have registered, you will be the only result. The cost is only $80 per zip code per year.

Most people only get one or two quotes for insurance, whereas they provide their visitors with an easy way to find their local agent. The directories are organized by state and zip code.

Since the company’s launch in 2004, they have established a significant online presence among the internets top search engines. They have consistently grown each year in every state, generating over 100,000 visitors to the site each month with over 4,000 zip codes registered.

Insurance agents will benefit from:

* Zip Code Exclusivity (only one agent per zip code)

* Higher Response Rates

* No Set-Up Fees

* No Long Term Commitments

* Photo/Image Uploads

* Tracking Statistics

* 24 Hour Profile Maintenance

If you are an insurance agent you can learn more about getting listed in the directory by visiting the FAQ section.


About the Author
Daren DiSantis
Daren operates and, both local insurance agent directories. The sites are...

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