Thursday 2 July 2015

How Long Does A DUI Affect Your Auto Insurance Rate?

How Long Does A DUI Affect Your Auto Insurance Rate?

When it comes to auto insurance premiums, we all have some control over how rates can affect us. You have the opportunity to assume more of the risk with higher deductibles, just carrying liability coverage on older cars, getting discounts for not receiving speeding tickets, in general just being an overall good driver.
However, for some avoiding such incidences seem to be difficult so if this applies to you don't freight, there is still hope for obtaining insurance.

With all the things that can effect your insurance premium getting a DUI has got to be one of the toughest things that can follow you for a long time. We're talking several years to come. This is because you're now classified as a "high Risk" driver. That puts you into a whole new category.

So to the question of how long does a DUI affect your auto insurance rate? For approximately 3 years per incident. Unfortunately being classified as a high risk driver you now bare the mandatory requirement that you carry what's referred to as an SR22 insurance policy for 3 years.

Do you know what an SR22 insurance policy is? Well if you don't know, it's a policy reserved for DUI drivers when they get their drivers license back. This is the highest risk policy an auto insurance company can cover on an individual. Be careful to watch for notifications from your current insurance carrier because some major carriers will drop you as a customer after a DUI conviction once placed on your driving record. This is part because some carrier won't insure "High Risk" policies to drivers with that status.

However, you still need auto insurance coverage right? And you still can but at about 2-3x the regular rate for high risk or DUI insurance coverage. Typically in the auto insurance industry to may need to seek out smaller companies for that kind of insurance. You can still get an affordable rate though; you just may have to do more shopping around to compare rates and services than most.

Unfortunately, when it comes to the regulating these high risk SR22 insurance policies there really are none in place for what insurance carriers can charge for DUI Insurance. So you're practically at their mercy. Companies still want your business and you can find coverage if you get dropped from your current carrier. Even if you didn't get dropped, expect your premium to drastically increase. Just take the opportunity to compare the rate.

Find yourself the best deals on high risk auto insurance by comparison shopping from quality agents in your area. You can also ask your carrier for assistance for DUI Laws in your area as well as DUI Lawyers or just research and locate ones on your own. Just get reliable information to protect yourself. That doesn't cost you anything but time and you never know you just might find a lower rate. Just don't drink and drive and you can avoid all of this matter?


About the Author
Laura Buckley
Here you can find the cheapest auto insurance from top Cheap High Risk Automobile Insurance carriers. Compare multiple offers for High Risk...

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