Thursday 26 March 2015

Is Employer Life Insurance Enough?

Many of the clients that our agents meet with are frequently telling us that they don't need any additional Life Insurance because they have insurance through work.  When it comes to my family, anything that costs $8 per month, is just not something I can put all of my faith in! In addition to it not being close to what someone needs, it can be taken away in a heartbeat.

Last week, I met with a gentleman that was in HR for a large company in the Baltimore region. He was explaining to me that 2 employees in the company where he works are responsible for 90% of all of the company's healthcare costs .  This was due to both of them having children born with birth defects and having medical bills of over a million dollars when the children were born. The ongoing care of these children is very high, so he said in HR they had a meeting and are trying to figure out a way to fire these employees, so they could get them off of the company's health care.

Imagine if an agent met with either of these men and talked to them about the importance of Life Insurance and they were to tell one of our agents that they were "good" or "there were covered at work". Imagine if that were an acceptable response and one of our agents left their home without advising them on why Employer Sponsored Life Insurance is not even close to enough or can be counted on. The talks taking place behind close doors could cause each of these men to lose their jobs and all of their benefits will be gone!  Not only will the health care be gone, but if an agent did not help them, their Life Insurance will be gone too! Then imagine that as a result of the stress from losing their job, they have a heart attack and die? What does the wife do now? No Life Insurance, No husband to work and make money and No Health Care?

Let me assure you, Employer Sponsored Life Insurance is never enough! It's good to have, get more, but it may or may not be there when you need it. Your family deserves more.

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