Thursday 26 March 2015

Actions Speak Louder Than Words!

Many people will say their family is their #1 priority, but...

Here is how they usually rank in order of importance...

Home Insured For $250,000

If home burns down, it is replaced because of Home Owner's Insurance.

 Car Insured For $45,000

If car is totaled, it is replaced because of Car Insurance.

Cell Phone Insured For $680

If you drop your cell phone, it is replaced because of Cell Phone Insurance.

Family Insured For $0

If Mom and/or Dad doesn't come tomorrow, as a result of death, the ability to pay for the home, car and cell phone cannot be replaced because there is no Life Insurance! You and your ability to earn money, IS YOUR #1 ASSET!  Your Family deserves to be put 1st!

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