Thursday 26 March 2015

Do You Want To Pay Taxes On The Seed or The Harvest

Family First Life
Uncle Sam loves Qualified plans.  He basically has your retirement money mortgaged and holds a lien against it with a tax liability.

Here is the main issue with Qualified Retirement Plans that no one talks about:

With a Traditional IRA or 401K, you are simply deferring taxes to an unknown amount on the entire growth of your account.

If you are at a 33% tax rate and put $6,000 (the seed) into an IRA/401K, you would have received a $2,000 deduction.  However, if that account were to grow to $100,000 (the harvest), you will now have a $33,000 tax liability.

You have basically traded a $2,000 deduction, today, and converted it to a $33,000 tax liability, tomorrow.

Contact Family First Life of Maryland to meet with an advisor to discuss a Tax-Free Retirement option!

Michael E. Pfeil

Family First Life of Maryland

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