Monday 29 February 2016

Life Insurance Cash Value That Should Be Known

There are many people who want to know about the life insurance. There are some benefits, but there must be many policies that should be followed. If you want to get the best insurance, you can find the insurance that will give you more benefit. You can find the best insurance such as the whole life insurance. It will provide you the life insurance cash value. This term needs to be understood. You can find the complete information about the cash value. It will make you more sure when you want to make the best plan with the life insurance.

The life insurance cash value can be the asset for your life. It will very help full when there is the problem with the financial condition. It will protect you when you get the problem when you want to pay your education, the hospital, and the others financial problem. You can take the cash value any time. There are the benefits and there must be the policies. You should know about the policies and the cost of the insurance. You can ask for the company about the information, especially about the benefit and the cost. So, you can choose the best cost for the life insurance.

The benefit of the life insurance will be getting not only when you still alive but also after your death. It will help the financial condition of your family or the beneficiaries. Many people know about this benefit and you should consider about it. You will get no regret if you get the information about the life insurance. You can get the life insurance cash value without the risk. Then, you can get the cash value without the penalty. You can imagine how much of the benefit when you follow the life insurance.

The superiority of the life insurance cash value

life insurance cash value
There are some benefits that you may get when you have the life insurance. The first is about the liquidity. It will be the best thing for you because you will get the money easily. You only need to call the company. The company will send the check to you. You can take the money by using the check of the company. It is simple and make you get the easiness when you really need money or in the critical condition. When you take your money from the company there will be no fees.

The next benefit is about the risk. There is no risk of the life insurance with cash value. It will make you feel ease when you have the life insurance. You will get the benefit without any worried. There is no risk for the principal and for your gains. It has happened because there are no similar fees that associated with the variable policies. It is the best thing for you because when you get the life insurance, there is no risk that will make you get suffer or lose out. You can choose the life insurance for the best protection.

The next life insurance cash value benefit is the tax free income and the tax free growth. The life insurance does not only give you the protection but also giving you more benefit. When you have the life insurance, you will free for the tax. You don't need to pay for the tax especially for the income and the tax for the growth. You will be easier because of this benefit. So, you should not to be afraid to get the best life insurance for your life. There must be the good benefit for your life.

Many people lack of information about the cash value

There are many people who have the life insurance but because there is the lack information about the life insurance, they do not know about the life insurance cash value. If you still do not know about the cash value of life insurance, you need to call your insurance company about the cash value. The payment of the company will be different. You may get the cash value or the replacement cost coverage. You can claim your belonging when you have the good document from the company. So, you should make the list of the insurance adjuster.

The information and the document will help you to know about the amount of the payment that will be received from the company. The life insurance cash value is important to be known. You can use it when you need the money. Then, you can take the money from the company easily if you know the policies. You should be smart about the life insurance. You can take the benefit maximally. There are many benefits that you can find for the life insurance. The cash value of life insurance the best offer for people with the life insurance.

The insurance company will determine the settlement of the customer by using the formula. You need the high consideration about the life insurance cash value. There are the depreciations of the cash value. The amount of the cash value is depending on the combination assumed wear/tear and adjuster's opinion. It is the worst thing that may happen to you for the cash value. It can happen, but you can make the best step with understanding the policy. The life insurance is the good choice for you that want to get the life protection. It can help you for the financial.

Life insurance cash value is one of some benefits that you may find for the life insurance. The cost that you should pay to the company will be different depending on the policy. You need to know about the policy of the insurance company. You can count the benefit and for the bad thing that may happen. The life insurance will make more benefit than lose out. You can choose the best company for your life insurance. You can make the best plan for your future. It is not only given the benefit, but it will give you the benefit for your family.

There are many types of the insurance. Life insurance is only a kind of the insurance that you can find. Life insurance cash value is one thing that you should know about the life insurance. You can ask the information from the company before you take the decision on the life insurance. You can start your life insurance start from today to get the best protection.

How to get health insurance if you missed open enrollment

If you missed open enrollment and didn't sign up for health insurance by Jan. 31, 2016, you may have to wait until next year's open enrollment period, unless you have a life event that makes you eligible for a special enrollment or you qualify for Apple Health (Medicaid).
Such events include, but are not limited to:
  • Losing health insurance, including an employer plan or individual health plan
  • Losing Apple Health (Medicaid) because you no longer qualify
  • Giving birth to or adopting a child
  • Permanently moving to a new area where your current plan doesn't provide coverage
  • Your employer not paying your COBRA premiums on time
  • Your COBRA coverage ending or reaching the lifetime limit
  • Your dependent turning age 26 and losing their coverage on your employer plan
  • Getting married or entering into a domestic partnership
  • Getting divorced or ending a domestic partnership
  • Cancelling your Washington State Health Insurance Pool (WSHIP) coverage
  • Your health plan no longer being offered for sale in Washington state

Most special enrollment periods are limited to 60 days from the qualifying event. Keep in mind that you won't qualify for special enrollment if you voluntarily cancel your health insurance or if your insurer cancels you because you didn't pay your premium.

If you don't qualify for special enrollment, here's some resources that may help you afford medical care.

Next year's open enrollment for individual and family coverage starts Nov. 1, 2016.

National CashFlow Competition 2016 - Board Game Competition is Back Again!

Have you ever thought that you could have a glimpse of your future in Singapore and understand how making the right financial decisions can affect your life indefinitely? Do you think that making decisions on buying a house, buying insurance, investing in stocks, bonds and even starting a business is too much to handle? 

As a young person growing up in Singapore, inevitably we will have concerns for the future. Now, with a newly designed board game called Asset Finesse™ (AF), we can experience making financial decisions for our future. The best thing is when we make a wrong decision, we can learn from it and not make the same mistake in our real lives.

A locally designed board game: Asset Finesse

Long time readers of my blog would remember I went for a board game competition event last year which was organised by NTU interactive investment club. The event saw more than 500 participants from 44 different schools coming together to play a locally designed financial board game and compete against each other to see who can survive in the harsh financial world. In the game, players get to make decisions on investing in stocks, starting a business, starting a family and buying a house, investing in bonds, insurance, unit trusts and many more. It was heartening to see many people coming together to learn more about how financial decisions actually affect their lives in the future. 

This year, My blog SG Young Investment will be the official media partner for National CashFlow Competition 2016. I am a supporter of financial literacy and I think NTU has done a very good job is bringing financial literacy to more people out there. 

We all have the opportunity to play this board game again. It doesn't matter if you're a student, teacher, adult, young or old, all are welcome to participate in this competition which will take place on 19th March 2016

See the number of people who came together to play the financial board game last year

Adults come and play too

Students learning how to make financial decisions carefully

A time to play and get to know more people

Besides having fun, there are great prizes to be won too. 

The prizes this year are:

Gold: MacBook Air
Silver: iPhone 6S
Bronze: $200 Cash (3 winners)

The registration fee is only $10. Participants will get an exclusive NCF 2016 t-shirt, a goodie bag and refreshments throughout the day! 

Click on this link to register for the competition:

*Registration closes on 11th March 2016 so hurry and sign up now!*

You may just be the next person to win away one of these great prizes. 

There will also be a weekly Facebook quiz on their Facebook page -

See you there!

Saturday 27 February 2016

Whole Life Insurance Cash Value for Your Best Plan

Life insurance can be the best thing for many people. You can choose this plan for your life protection to the life insurance. There are many kinds of the insurance. One of them is the whole life insurance. Before you take the decision to get the insurance for your life, you should know about the life insurance. There must be the good information about the whole life insurance cash value. You can examine this kind of the life insurance. There are the basic policies that you should know about this insurance.

There is the definition about whole life insurance. The whole life insurance can be the insurance with many policies. The life insurance will pay to your beneficiary and it can be, the better plan for you. The whole life insurance has been divided into two types. The first is the participating and the second is non participating. In the first type, there is participating that has the whole life insurance cash value and also earn dividend. The next type is the non participating that has the cash value of whole life insurance but no dividend.

The policies of the whole life insurance

The policies have been changed by the company and you may get the death benefit from the company. The cash value will be the good plan if the company work goodly and does the policy efficiently. You should consider about the life insurance policy. You will get the benefit from this life insurance. There are some policies that you may find from the life insurance company. There is the graded premium life that has the lowest cost for you. It can help you to get the cheapest cost for the life insurance. It will be proper for you that want to get the whole life insurance, but not for the full premium outset.

The next policy that you can find is the limited payment for the whole life. You will have the whole life insurance cash value after the period. Then, you can pay the cost to the company only for the specific time. You do not need to pay the life insurance for every period. It will very helpful for you. The cost that should pay to the company is more than the normal or the regular insurance so you need to consider about this policy.

whole life insurance cash value
There is the other policy that you can choose. You may find the single premium for the whole life insurance. The benefit of this whole life insurance is only needed to pay the cost to the company once. It will force you to pay the cost in the big number but only once. You should consider about the whole life insurance cash value. It may make you only get a smaller benefit than the others.

The whole life insurance will coverage your life. There are many companies that offer you about the life insurance butt you should consider about the policy and the benefit. The policy of the whole life insurance may force you to pay the cost with some options. You can choose the best policy that will be proper with you. You will get the whole life insurance cash value if you follow the life insurance. It will give you the best benefit when you are still alive. You can take the benefit and take the cash when you need.

The benefit of the whole life insurance cash value

You can take this insurance cash value when you need, for example, when you get an illness, for the education, and many others. It will depend on the policy of the company. You should get the information as much as you can about the company before you take the whole life insurance for your entire life. There is the other kind of the life insurance such as the term insurance, but it will be simpler if you choose the whole life insurance. The term insurance will give the temporary benefit, but the whole life insurance will give you benefit from your life.

There are many benefits of the whole life insurance cash value that you may get if you have the whole life insurance. You can take the cash value from whole life insurance for the fund college, retirement, financing, and for critical illness. You will get the best protection to the whole life insurance. There is the sign for the tax benefit. You should not be worried about the inflation because the whole life insurance provides a hedge that against the inflation.

Whole life insurance cash value is very interesting for you when you get the life insurance. You can choose the whole life insurance. It will make you get many benefits. The benefit not only when the death, but you can take the benefit when you still alive. You can find the best company that will provide you the best life insurance with the good policy. Then, you should consider about the policy. You can make the best decision in choosing the life insurance. There are information from the company and you can ask for the people of the company.

The consultation about the whole life company is important for you when you when to get the best life insurance. There are many kinds of the insurance that you can choose. It will be better if you find the review about the insurance. The whole life insurance that has two types. It will make you get more benefit than the other type, but it will depend on your necessary. Whole life insurance cash value will give you the benefit to your life and your death. It is not only gives the benefit for your beneficiaries, but also will be protected goodly with this life insurance.

Whole life insurance cash value is the best thing that you will get when you make the plan for your life with the whole life insurance. There are the other kinds of the insurance, but this insurance will give you the permanent protection and benefit. There is the term insurance that will give you the temporary benefit. You can choose the best one that will be proper with your necessary. Then, you can make your life easier with the whole life insurance. You should understand about the whole life insurance with cash value. There are many companies that you can find, but you need to find the best company that will give you more benefit with better policies.

Thursday 25 February 2016

Medical Need for the Pre Existing Travel Insurance Plan

The need for the travel insurance service today can be said as the important one especially when you have the high frequency of travelling. So many choices of the ways of travelling can be found too and that gives the easiness of taking it than in the past time. However, that does not mean that you have naturally the pleasant service of travelling for making you feel satisfied. That is why you will need some additional features for gaining the better travelling moment. One of them is the pre existing travel insurance.

The presence of the service at the same time also can be the sign of the need of the modern people for more safety during their travelling time. The safety means that all of the schedules relating to the travelling have been composed in the right places. The pre existing travel insurance can make the travelling done in line with the plan. If you have the travelling purpose for business for example, it will be so help you for getting the success on your business too.

The Special Service of Pre Existing Travel Insurance

pre existing travel insurance
What is actually the special aspect offered by this kind of travel insurance? The special aspect can be connected into its capability for handling the bad condition relating to your health. That is at first. Since the people who have the worse health condition than the common people will need more attentions, the special life insurance during their travelling like this pre existing travel insurance will be needed for making sure that all is in the right condition during the travelling time.

Since this kind of special insurance has the higher risk and so you also must pay the higher payment for getting it. That is actually in line with the special help can be gained at the emergency time. You do not need to compare between it and the common insurance since its specification is different. The claim for getting the service also is relatively easy to be composed since it can be cleared from the beginning of attending pre existing travel insurance especially by mentioning the special bad condition found.

However, even if this pre existing travel insurance can give the special covering for some kinds of diseases, there are also the limitations for that. The insurance can be claimed only when you are legally in travel. It means when you do not have the permission for taking a travelling time because of some diseases for example the insurance claim cannot cover the bad condition like that. You must follow the available procedure found from the beginning of attending the insurance.

The Strategy for getting Pre Existing Travel Insurance

The pre existing travel insurance actually can be called too as the medical travel insurance based on the reason that it is focused into the insurance for the bad health condition. However, there is also the special procedure for getting it. Your travel for example must be in a long time with the special risk that cannot be detected from the beginning. That is the simple policy must be understood when you want to sign of proposing it. The coverage also can include the cancellation of the trip based on the health condition detected under some conditions that must be included during the claim to be accepted.

When you want to propose this special kind of insurance, you must be sure that the insurance company chosen is the large company that covers the wide area including the traveling abroad. Some of the companies can give the service only for domestic travelling. It will be better for you to choose the wider one especially when you have the possibility for taking the travelling into abroad instead of taking the domestic travelling only. The pre existing travel insurance will be so useful when you choose the most appropriate one relating to your purpose of travelling for example.

You also must be sure that you understand about the terms proposed by the company. The different company sometimes has the different policy. Without understanding the policy term from pre existing travel insurance you will have the chance of getting your claim refused because that does not be included into the term when the insurance can cover the bad condition during the travelling time. For making sure about your understanding, it is better for you to get the help from the more expert people as the consultant before you are choosing one kind of the available insurance near you.

Pre Existing Travel Insurance and the Health Condition

The pre existing travel insurance can be chosen by people who have the bad health condition since it can be used for covering their possible worse condition during the travelling time. Some kinds of psychological conditions also can be covered by it like the depression and the anxiety conditions. So, you do not need to feel afraid for proposing the plan about taking a travelling time just because you have such kinds of bad conditions. You can choose it as the part of your preparation done.

However, you must know too that the pre existing travel insurance gives the similar service into everyone. It means that there is not a special service can be proposed just because you have the special condition too. That relates into the similar amount of the payment and the coverage. The balance between the risk and the coverage is the first thing considered by the pre existing travel insurance company when they make a decision about your life insurance proposal.

Because of that reason, the help can be gained from this kind of insurance is actually similar in some other insurance types too. So many companies also can be found as offering this insurance nowadays. The difference can be found only in the case of its relation with its specification. The specification as the kind of insurance for travelling becomes its added value to be noticed. That can give so many difference consequences relating to the practice or even the way of proposing the pre existing travel insurance.

Wednesday 24 February 2016

Your Complete Guide To Buying A Property In Singapore

Buying a property can be confusing for many first time buyers in Singapore. What should we do first and how should we find the property we desire? With so many rules governing the property market, it takes some knowledge to be able to make the right decisions. Making the wrong decisions can be costly where we end up forfeiting the property if we cannot get a loan or can't afford to continue paying for the property along the way.

With this, I will try to write down the step by step procedures to buying a property in Singapore and give you some tips which will get you the best cost savings for your property purchase.  Let's start off with the first step: Searching for a property.

Property Hunting

Do I need a property agent in order to search for a property to buy? This may be a question that is on many property buyers' mind. Gone are the days where we need to rely solely on property agent's expertise to find us a property. We can be our own property agent these days. How can we do it?

Simple... we have online platforms where we can find properties easily. One such platform is from SRX property. I can key in the area where I'm interested, the property type, the price and even any MRTs or Schools which I want the property to be near to.

Once you click search, one whole list of properties which match your criteria will appear and you can select the properties which you're interested in. You can see the price of the property, a virtual tour of the entire property and other important information such as price per square foot etc.

There are other platforms such as property guru which also offers similar search engines for property hunting. If you find a property agent to search for the property for you, you will have to pay some extra money. Most property agents charge an average of 0.5%-1% of the property price. Searching on platforms is completely free of charge.

Accessing your affordability - Can I Afford A Loan?

So now, you may have found some properties which you're interested in but can you afford it? Accessing your affordability is the most important part of the property buying process. Nowadays, it is very difficult for anyone to buy a property with cash. Most of us have to take a loan for it.

Getting a loan can be tricky with all the cooling measures in place. Did you know since 2010, the government has introduced about 8 cooling measures to cool the property market? We need to know these before we can make better decisions for our property purchase.

The amount of loan we are eligible for has been reduced by a significant amount. We can only borrow a maximum of 80% of the property price and still have to meet an income requirement. This is know as the Mortgage Servicing Ratio (MSR) for HDB flats and the Total Debt Servicing Ratio (TDSR) for private properties and HDB as well.

The MSR is set at 30% of our gross monthly income. This simply means that if our income is $4000, the maximum loan instalment we can have per month for housing loans is $1200. The MSR is for the purchase of HDB flats. HDB flats are also subjected to the TDSR which is set at 60%. This simply means that if our income is $4000, the maximum loan instalment we can have per month is $2400. TDSR includes housing loans, car loans, student loans, credit card debts etc.

If you're still confuse about the cooling measures and how much loan you can get, try the free calculator here.

The Buying Process - Step By Step Guide

After searching and accessing if you can afford the property, its time to take action to buy the house of your dreams. Here I will let you understand more on what you should do to make your property purchase a smooth sailing one and provide you the procedures which you can follow.


Buying a HDB BTO is not much of a problem since HDB will definitely guide you along for this. The Home Loan Eligibility (HLE) letter is the key for HDB BTO if you intend to take a HDB loan.

For the application of HDB BTO, here's the timeline:

  1. Check your eligibility to buy, eligibility for HDB or bank loan and check your finances.
  2. Submit application during 1 week application period through HDB website or any HDB branches or HDB hub
  3. Notification of ballot results will be out in 1.5 months for BTO
  4. If you're successful in the ballot, after 1 to 2 weeks, you will be invited for an appointment to book a flat
  5. If you intend to take a HDB loan, you need a valid HLE letter during the booking of flats
  6. The signing of agreement of lease will happen within 4 months after you book a flat. You are required to submit the letter of offer (LO) if you are taking a bank loan. 
  7. Your BTO flat will be ready in about 3 years time

For the bank loan, you can get the LO through an approval in principal (AIP) with any of the banks in Singapore. I can also do the AIP for you with the bank. Just contact me and I'll guide you along.

BTO Tip: If you're looking out for a BTO soon, you can subscribe to a free alert service by HDB here

HDB (Resale)

For HDB resale, the buying process is between you and the seller of the HDB. A property agent may be involved in the process with a law firm compulsory to execute the transactions.

Here's the time line for buying a HDB resale flat:

  1. Before purchasing a resale flat, check how much loan you are eligible for. You can engage the services of a mortgage broker or approach the banks for assistance. 
  2. Do an approval in principal (AIP) with the bank before you sign the option to purchase (OTP) with the seller. Most AIP are valid for 1 month.
  3. Get OTP. You need to pay $1000 at this stage
  4. You have only 2 weeks to decide whether to exercise the OTP to buy the property before it expires. Your LO for the loan must be out within this 2 weeks. If you already did an AIP previously, then you don't have to worry about this. 
  5. Exercise OTP to buy the property
  6. Agent will receive 1st appointment date from HDB
  7. After 1st appointment with HDB, HDB will fix 2nd appointment date
  8. Before second appointment with HDB, you should proceed to law firm to sign all mortgage documents and pay legal fees, COV.
  9. OTP ends 8 to 10 weeks, 2nd appointment at HDB to collect keys

Private Properties (New/under construction)

For private properties which are under construction, these are the properties you buy directly from the developer during sales launch. Here's the timeline for it:

  1. Do an approval in principal (AIP) with the bank
  2. Get OTP. At this stage you need to pay 5% of the purchase price
  3. Within 1 week, developer will send out sales and purchase (S&P) agreement to law firm or buyer
  4. You should have LO from the bank for the loan within 3 weeks of S&P date to sign the S&P. You need to pay 15% of purchase price and stamp duty at this stage
  5. OTP will end in 8 to 10 weeks

Private Properties (Resale)

For resale private properties, here's the timeline:

  1. Do an approval in principal (AIP) with the bank
  2. Get OTP. At this stage you have to pay 1% of purchase price
  3. You have 2 weeks to decide whether to exercise the OTP to buy the property before it expires. Your LO for the loan must be out within this 2 weeks. If you already did an AIP previously, then you don't have to worry about this. 
  4. Exercise OTP to buy the property
  5. 1 week before collection of keys, sign mortgage documents, CPF documents and pay 4% of purchase price and stamp duty
  6. OTP ends 8 to 10 weeks, collect keys

Tips on buying a property

After researching and writing on topics related to property since 2014, I've got to learn much more about property purchase over the years. From what I see, buying a property isn't the main issue but the issue is with getting the loan approved. Getting a loan is an integral part of purchasing a property in Singapore.

There are currently more than 16 banks in Singapore all with different loan packages and interest rates. When we get the option to purchase (OTP) for the property, do take note that we only have 2 weeks to produce the letter of offer to exercise the OTP. This is a very short time to get the loan approved although it is possible but it will result in a lot of anxiety and stress because of the tight timeline. Thus, before buying a property, it is important to do an Approval In Principal (AIP) so that we know our loan eligibility and get the approval for the loan as well. 

Another thinf tk note is if we do the AIP with bank A, we will be getting the loan from bank A as well. If we want to get the best rates for our loan package, then we should apply the AIP with the right bank right at the start. But, with so many banks to choose from, how do we know which has the best rates? 

I do have tie up with all the banks in Singapore and I know which bank has the best rate for home loans. I have also screened through a selective group of bankers to provide you the best and most efficient service. Furthermore, I also have tie up with various law firms in Singapore to help you save on your legal costs. If you would like to do an AIP for your new property purchase or get a new home loan, you can email me at I can also advise you on your loan eligibility. You can click on this LINK for more information on the service I provide. 

Buying a property can be a fuss free experience in Singapore if we know the procedures for it. We definitely do not want to be caught off guard and add to our stress and anxiety when owning a home should be an enjoyable process.

Take action and equip yourself with the knowledge in property purchase today!

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Related Posts:
1. Refinancing Your Housing Loan To Fixed Rates When Interest Rates Are Rising
2. Can I Buy A Private Property If I Own A HDB?

Monday 22 February 2016

Cash Surrender Value of Life Insurance Review

Did you know the cash surrender value of life insurance? Have you ever bought cash surrender value in life insurance? The cash value does not apply in life insurance policies,. There is a specific type in the term of life insurance, which offer or give cash out choice when the term of the policy has been over. With a premium return, the term of life insurance will allow buyers or customers to have cash when your life insurance policy is ended. You need to learn about this policy before you conclude to buy this one.

I would like to give an identification of surrender value in life insurance. There are some kinds of life insurance. One of the special kinds is life insurance with premium return. It is better for you to ask and request this feature from the companies of life insurances. Several companies of life insurances offer an alteration toward a plain policy, also called by a rider. The rider allows the life insurance companies to generate the cash value.

I would like to give a short description of the cash surrender value significance. The cash value of life insurance is included with insurance of companies. The policyholders would like to receive the premium payment refund which has been paid previously. They will get the refund when the life insurance policy is finished. The interest rate of refund is made in the beginning of the life insurance policy.

If you want to buy a financial product, what is a part that you would like to take deep consideration? I believe that most of the people say the benefits from the products to the buyers or customers. Similar to the other financial products, it has benefits. The benefit is the premiums of life insurance aren't wasted. You will get the life insurance benefit depending on the duration which agreed in the beginning of the policy. Your payment can be drawn back after the life insurance policy is up. You can use the refund to buy the other policies or take an investment.

After presenting the benefit of cash surrender value of life insurance, let me present about the disadvantages of buying cash surrender value in life insurance. One of the disadvantages is the premium return should be paid, at least a double cost compared to the normal life insurance policy. The interest which is paid in your premium return is lower than the alternative investment which is available.

The Difference of Cash Surrender Value and Surrender Charge

The term of cash surrender value of life insurance is still weird. Cash Surrender Value and Surrender Charge has the closest definition. One of the main reasons for people who purchase cash value of life insurance is access the similar point in the future. You will hear the terms of "surrender charge” and "cash surrender value" when you want to access it. Here are short explanations between surrender charge and cash surrender value.

What should you do to withdraw your money in life insurance policy? The life insurance may be a right choice to take. You should take the cash surrender value when you want to take the refund of life insurance. While looking at your statement of policy, you see the number after cash surrender value. This amount, or numbers mean that that is the amount of money which you can be taken immediately. The amount of your refund money is not similar to the money that you have ever paid.

After giving the characteristic of cash surrender value of life insurance, I will present the short review of the surrender charge. Can we postpone buying the life insurance policy? When you want to cancel your policy, you have to pay a charge to the insurance company. You need to pay some money regarding to postponing your policy. The payment that you should give to the companies can be a flat fee or some percentages of the payments. That depends on the terms and policy. When you want to cancel the policy, your amount of money also will be cut.

How to withdraw of Life Insurance policy

Let us step to the next explanation about taking out the cash surrender value of life insurance. When you buy the financial products, you get a hidden asset in your life insurance policy. The hidden asset can be taken out when you need to have some money. Some of life insurance customers are not aware that they have their hidden asset. They cannot access it. The steps of withdrawing money are not difficult and here are the steps.

The first step of taking out the cash surrender value of life insurance is checking your statement. You can ask the customer service to get amount money that you can withdraw. Secondly, you need to ask for the customer service about the money that you will accept. The money is similar to the loan, but you need to make sure that the taxes are included or not. Thirdly, you should see if the companies get loans via phone. You accept the loan with this way.

The fourth step of withdrawing cash surrender value of life insurance is filling the form out. Unlike in a bank, you can take your money out based on your cash value that can be cut. Fifthly, you need to send the filled from back to the life insurance company and several companies will send your money via internet banking. Lastly, you need to pay the loan back. There is no payment schedule, but you should pay the minimal interest rate of the loan.

Sunday 21 February 2016

The Programs on Renewable Term Life Insurance Policy

You can consider choosing renewable term life insurance policy when look for life insurance. The product offers flexibility of the lifelong insurance policies and security. The policies of annual renewable insurances let the customers renew the policy as this has expired. You do not need the others health exam. It is great for those who become ill on initial policy's term. With this insurance policy, the customers will not locked to the policy. With the whole life policies, you feel tied down since you will not want to lose cash values of the policies.

Things to know about renewable term life insurance policy

You could take the money that you save and also invest that in the CDs or the securities. If the investments and savings are growing to the point that the nest eggs are significant, you do not need the renewed terms. If the investments do not perform well, the customers can sign up as well as get the others life policies. You can search about renewable term life insurance policy on the internet. You will discover the variety of the renewable term life insurance policy companies with their different offers and products. Look around and then get the few quotes.

Your choices must be the reputable and highly rated companies. If you decide for the insurance, you want companies for staying in the business for lots of years. You can go for annual renewable term life insurance policy as an excellent option. The customers can get less expensive one, a higher quality insurance products which can be renewed at the end of the term.

Tips on seeking the renewable term life insurance policy

renewable term life insurance policy
The first thing that you have to consider is whether you want to choose the permanent or term life insurance. For the permanent policy, it is for the whole life. For those who tend to choose renewable term life insurance policy, the most common option is the annual one. The customers do not have to create lots of decisions for purchasing the policies. These policies will length for about 5, 15, 20, even also 30 years. The level term in the insurance policy will guarantee that the premiums will stay the similar for the full length of policies. The customers can purchase the term life policies which let them for renewing on the year by year basis.

Locking in the term life insurance rate for about at least five years will give you best financial bet. Locking the renewable term life insurance policy in about decades in right decision for ensuring income replacements as well as cover the debts like the mortgages. Several customers want for hedging their bets with the annual option for the renewable term life insurance. The people purchase the annual policy. They want to cover only short term debt or this is between jobs and anticipating purchasing the group life insurances through the future employers.

The annual option will let the customers to lock in the period of insurability. This is the length of the times that the customers will able for renewing the life insurance policy without re-applying or taking the other medical exams. The customers can renew the policies for each year up to their certain ages. For the maximum ages, it can vary by the states. The law in New York sets the limit of age at 80 years old. The premiums start out low and it looks attractive. The premiums will rise with each passing year based on the new age and the increased statistical chance of dying for each customer. The face amount of policy benefits paid if the customers die stay the same.

The life insurance policy will include the schedule of the premiums charts which show the maximums possible premiums the customers can be charged for each year. The insurers will inform the customers of the exact amount for each year at the renewal times. There is the main pitfall of the annual renewable term life insurances that is the customers renew for lots of years. The customers can end up paying for more in the premiums than the customers will if they have bought at the level term life in its first place. For the renewable term life, it has the similarity to the level term policies. The customers will designate at least for one beneficiary.

There are the optional riders which the customers can add. This can be the disability riders. This rider will pay the premium in the event the customers become disabled. There will be the suicide exclusion. The policy will not pay out in the event of the suicide in first two years. The insurers will refund the premiums which are paid before.

For those who have purchased the renewable term life insurance policy with annual option and find that the coverage needs are longer, you can check with the insurance companies. This lets the customers convert the policies to the whole life insurance without taking the others medical exam.

You do not have to settle for the first company as you seek on the internet. You can read the renewable term life insurance policy reviews firstly from the customers to know the reliability and quality of the insurance companies. Make sure that you choose the renewable term life insurance policy since it is the only one which can fit your need and style without make you overspend. You can start to seek on search engine with affordable insurance policy options.

Know the rates and service of the insurance policy is essential before you make a deal with certain companies. You have to check the detail. For those who want to make a deal with the insurance company via online, make sure that the website is reliable. If you are the beginner in seeking the life insurance, you can ask your question to the certain companies where you want to purchase the products.

Thursday 18 February 2016

The Life Insurance Quotes Over 70 for the Better Ending

The appearance of the insurance is the common thing found today. It means that people have the close view with any kinds of the insurances since they also are familiar with it. Nowadays you actually can find so many offerings relating to the life insurance service. All of them of course are directed into the prosperity of the customer. However, they commonly have the different terms between one and another. The life insurance quotes over 70 is one kind of them can be found today.

The classification of the life insurance into more specific one just like the presence of the life insurance quotes over 70 can make the easier process to find the most appropriate one for you. Besides, that also must be faced carefully since it commonly has some different rules than the other types for example the insurance for the younger one. Since nowadays the use of insurance is popular in modern people for helping their emergency moment especially relating to the budget, you actually will find this one easily too.

The Classifications of Life Insurance Service in Common

Since the need for the life insurance today can be referred into the inevitable need too especially for modern people, understanding the available type to be chosen also becomes important too. In general, there are two types of the life insurance service. The first one is the type of the temporary one that is often called as the term insurance while the second type is the permanent one that is often called as the whole life insurance. Each of them has the different characteristic that can give you the different benefits too as the life insurance quotes over 70 options.

The first one that is the term life insurance can be the appropriate choice for people who do not think that they will need such kind of insurance in their end of life. They do not need the help for paying their burial for example. This one kind of life insurance quotes over 70 types can be chosen too based on its flexibility. The flexibility refers into the possibility of changing the type into the whole life insurance one time you want to change it. That makes the easiest of practicing this one.

In contrary, the whole life insurance as the other type of life insurance quotes over 70 offers the complete protection until the end of your life. It can be used for protecting your business after your death or even for helping your family of getting your burial payment. While the temporary one commonly has the limitation between 10, 15, 20, or 30 years, this one does not have such kind of limitation. That becomes one interesting point from this insurance type since you do not need to think about the options about its duration.

The Details of Life Insurance Quotes Over 70

life insurance quotes over 70
The life insurance quotes over 70 is relatively simpler than the other common life insurances. Its simplicity can be connected into the easiness of getting it. The process can be easier to be composed and even you can get it from online insurance without attending some kinds of interviews before getting it. The simplicity of the process is connected into the over 70 people condition that is not as active as people under the age.

One thing must be noticed when you want to propose this one is that you must choose the appropriate life insurance company that gives the service. Choosing the most prominent company that has a long history can be better since that can symbolize the professionalism of the company too. It is nearly sure that if you joint the company like that you are sure to get the service quickly when you need it. The company must have the special service relating to the life insurance quotes over 70 too.

The other thing must be noticed too is relating to the price must be paid. There are the variations of the coverage too for being considered. All of them must be considered from the beginning since that is the main point of the life insurance. You must choose the most appropriate life insurance quotes over 70 from the side of the price and its coverage to be sure that your life insurance is the useful one instead of the useless one.

The Reason for Choosing Life Insurance Over 70

The first reason why people may need the life insurance quotes over 70 can be connected into the act of preparation. It is possible that people do not like to leave a possible problem for the family after their death. Because of that reason, it is possible for them to take the insurance for helping them of paying the funeral for example. For getting this kind of insurance, people must choose the type of whole term one since that has the policy of service for some final moments of people’s life.

The other reason for getting this insurance is that it is often simpler to be gained. Some people commonly think about proposing the insurance as something hard to be composed because there are the complex procedure must be passed before they can get it. For the life insurance quotes over 70, people sometimes just need to answer a little amount of the questions relating to their health. That is possible to be faced without confused feeling as something complex just like the common insurance.

Sometimes people must pay higher too for getting the easiness of proposing the insurance like that. However, that can be enough reason for them for taking it. The last possible reason for people to choose the life insurance quotes over 70 is that they need to protect their business. The old age is not a good time for business. Because of that, the business insurance will be needed for making sure that the business can be in good condition even after the death of the owner. That will be so useful to be chosen.

Monday 15 February 2016

The Best Options for Pre Existing Travel Insurance

The best travel insurance policies at the best rate will be something challenged. Take the comfort that the efforts will produce the result pre existing travel insurance is exist and rates. The insurance companies will take on the greater risks. They make a deal for insuring those who are known to have the health issues. Those individuals are needed the medical care as they are traveling. They will exclude either condition or they will charge the higher rate to provide the coverage.

Things to know about pre existing travel insurance

There will be several confusions that the insurance companies consider about the preexisting condition. This can be put simply that any kind of disease or illness. The individuals have been diagnosed previously even if this is cured. It is deemed to be the pre existing condition. For those who have the symptoms of the illness, even if this has not been diagnosed, this is considered as the pre existing condition as it comes time for purchasing the preexisting travel insurance. The preexisting condition can be the chronic health problem like asthma or the other acute diseases like infections. If the condition is present prior to issuance of policy, this can fall under the exclusions or be grounds for the higher premium on the policy.

Tips for purchasing the pre existing travel insurance

The cheapest ways of picking the pre existing travel insurance policy is select that simply excludes the preexisting condition. The policies will not provide the coverage for the medical bills. It is  associated with the condition that is diagnosed or the symptomatic priors to issuance of policies. It suits to depend on the condition. This can be a good example. The cancer survivor, those who have been in cancer free for many years, feeling that there is a little bit of risk toward the needing emergency medical treatments because the condition as travelling. Those decide that taking the policy of preexisting travel insurance, which excludes cancer from coverage is the safe bet.

Select for exclusion will make more sense than paying the substantially higher premium for the coverage. There are the existing factors over there and decisions frequently reflect the level of the people of the tolerance for the risk. It must be borne in mind that filing for informing insurance companies. The pre existing condition result of the lack of coverage in event of the health issues as traveling. If there is any kind of record toward the condition of the medical files, the companies will have the grounds for excluding that. Standard travel insurance policies will include preexisting condition clauses. The insurance companies will provide the customers with a larger selection of prices and policies.

Getting the pre existing travel insurance: find the right ways

pre existing travel insurance
In the situation where the health conditions can possibly require the treatment during the travels, you have to shop around for finding the insurance providers. It offers the coverage without the exclusions. There are numerous pre existing travel insurance that will assume high risk of the covering the numbers of condition. This will require substantial costs typically. It is advisable for disclosing conditions on the entirety as well as asking for the quotes on rates for the coverage. You can use the brokers or services. It can obtain numerous quotes. It can simplify your tasks. The coverage for the serious illness will be difficult to discover and find specifically if this is terminal. The costs of the travel insurances with the preexisting condition is invariably the issue.

The suggested courses of the actions is for finding the best option of travel insurance rates. Although you are tempted for withholding information on obtaining the affordable rates, failure for disclosing all medical data can result in the denial of the coverage as you need that most. You are required to provide the access to the health records, answer lots of in depth questions about the state of health, undergo and undergo the medical evaluations. The insurance will be available if you are prepared for shopping around and paying required premiums. A full examination and disclosure of those options are the best ways of insuring to have coverage that you need at the best possible rates.

You have to think about getting a travel insurance package that will cover you for the condition and anything else that can occur. People will discover that the company would not pay out because the preexisting conditions that is not even what you claim for. There are three types of the travel insurances that can cover the customers for the pre existing condition. Those pre existing travel insurance types are total pre existing conditions cover, the limited travel insurance cover, and long term cover.

For total pre existing conditions cover, this will be a more expensive option. This one will offer the customers with comprehensive cover for any kind of pre existing condition. This pre existing travel insurance will cover the customers for the air ambulance or the repatriation of the remains if the customers are dead on their holiday.

Some of the package of total insurance for preexisting condition will pay for the relative to the travel out to the customers if they had the medical emergencies. For the type of pre existing travel insurance in limited travel insurance policies, it will pay for the repatriation of the remains. Some of those plans include the cash payment for the sudden recurrence of the preexisting condition when the customers are away.

For those who want to go away for the longer period or planning on working abroad, the long term of pre existing condition insurance policies is the best option for your need. There is cover the customers after the particular period of the times or it will have the limits to the amount of cover those will provide of each year. The pre existing travel insurance can include the large excesses.

You have to ensure that you are fully aware toward the policies which you cover actually. The travel insurance for the pre existing condition covers the customers only up to the particular ages for the certain amount of the time.

Wednesday 10 February 2016

Who determines how much my totaled car is worth?

We hear from many consumers who are trying to resolve their auto total loss claims with their own insurer or another insurer. A total loss is when a vehicle is in a collision and the insurance company determines it would cost more than the vehicle is worth to repair it, so they “total” it.

Once an insurer declares a vehicle a total loss, they owe you the retail market value of your car, plus sales tax. But how do you know if the amount the insurer offers you is a reasonable estimate of the retail market value? Many consumers don’t know they have the right to, and should, ask the insurance company for a total loss valuation report, which shows the comparable auto data the insurer used to calculate your vehicle’s value. Most insurance companies don’t automatically provide the report to consumers and there’s no requirement that they provide it without being asked.

Insurers can either give you cash for your vehicle’s retail value or offer to replace your vehicle with a comparable vehicle in your area.

Read more about auto total loss on our website. Questions? You can contact our consumer advocates online or at 1-800-562-6900.

Monday 8 February 2016

Renewable Term Life Insurance Policy and Details

Renewable term life insurance policy is one term of life insurance policy. The term of renewable life insurance policy is a good choice for you who already set a life insurance. For you who do not know about what the life insurance is, it is an institute who handles and guarantees your life with insurance. When you are interest to insurance your life, you will ask to agree some term. The term is usually about how much dollars that you can pay to get one life insurance. 

Before you do renewable term life insurance policy, you will ask to answer about for how long you can occupy the term. You will be served by some period of time of the insurance person. It specifically tells about how long your life is run and how right you can bet it. For you who work as businessman who may have many or high risk that can make your life always in danger then it may a good suggestion to start making a life insurance.

If you are a person who love your family so much and do not want let them live with a debt after you die, then making one of life insurance type will be suits for you. Then when you are ready to make one type life insurance policy then you have to be aware whether the term will give some benefits for you. Choosing the appropriate life insurance with a renewable term is the one that you can consider as the great choice. Renewable term life insurance policy let you to renew your life insurance term again when it is run out.

The term of renewable life insurance policy means that you have to renew your term of life insurance policy. It means you already take a life insurance with a period time but it is run out because you get older and you have to renew it. Not of every life insurance serve this kind of term. Not of every life insurance institute will give you a renewable term life insurance policy. But if they provide it then it is a good thing. When you are interest to plant a life insurance you will get some condition that you have to fulfill. It is known as some factors that can lead you to make a life insurance. Those are age, cigarette smoking, and general health.

All of those factors that have been mentioned above can give a precise and significant answer about what type of your life insurance term will be. As you may already know that the renewable term life insurance policy should be consider as this three components. These components will make you sure to choose your term life insurance policy and more over can give the best benefits for you. The three components that you need to consider are the policy term, guaranteed level premiums, and ability to convert to a cash value policy.

Three components that you should consider before renew your term policy

renewable term life insurance policy
The term of renewable life insurance policy will always take a look of these three things. Those are the policy term, guaranteed level premiums, and its ability to convert to a cash value policy. The renewable term life insurance policy needs some certain prerequirement before you do your life insurance term. It talks about how long you can renew your life insurance. You will have two possibilities. First it serves for you with annually renewable term or second, it gives a chance for you to renew the life insurance term for about five years up to 3o years which it is usually known as cover terms.

The renewable term life insurance policy with annually renewable term means you can do one-year terms. It means you can always renew your life insurance term for every each year. The cover terms means you can renew your term for every five years or up to 30 years. The exact policy time of the insurance usually comes to five, 15, 20, or 30 years. But you need some level term that will give a stabile benefit of the entire terms. This term gives a premium payment that you have to be paid in some years that you have agreed. This term can give a higher premium amount depend on the longer period you take.

Both of renewable term life insurance policy gives a good side and the bad side. If you buy the one with five or 30 years, you will be asked more dollars to be paid at earlier time of the terms but as the opposite it will give you more premiums that are benefits for your life. The benefits depend on the level of the premium that you can collect. Another bad side of this term is you can predict when you will die. It means if you disapprove the term before the right time then you will have been overpaid. The benefit of one-year term is different.

The renewable term life insurance policy with one-year term give you a chance to pay the insurance for a year by year. If you can predict about your life then taking the one-year term is safer. If you buy this type then you will get a chance to reduce the death benefits of your policy. It is depend on continues term renewal. But as opposite, the payment may turn higher on the end. Other thing you have to know that can guarantee your renewable life insurance. It is the guaranteed premiums. You have to be sure that the term provides a guaranteed level of the term.

You should not be shock if the payment becomes higher than you can pay because you do not check the term at first where it does not give a guaranteed level term. So be careful about the term policy before you do renewable term life insurance policy. Then stay awake about the possibility of the term to exchange the payment with a cash value. Thus you have to check whether the term has an ability to convert the payment into a cash value policy. If you take the term, other feature is presented to you like a medical exam or other plans.

Other type of the renewable term life insurance policy that serves some things to be remembered and serves some different benefits as well will give you a good decision about choosing the one that is the best for you. Any of the life insurance with the right term and policy will lead you to get a beneficial side of financial responsibilities such as consumer debt, dependent care, university education for those who are dependent, funeral cost, as well as for mortgages. So, are you ready to get a life insurance policy with a renewable term?

Claim with Car Insurance on Liberty Mutual Insurance

Auto Insurance Like you've never seen it before
your situation as individual as you - and now you can get an insurance policy to match. Liberty Mutual auto insurance options, benefits and discounts mean you can get the protection you need, at prices you deserve.

Car Insurance Coverage

Helping you find the best coverage to fit your needs.
Not all car insurance is the same. Sure, there is a minimum level of coverage that all auto insurance companies offer – liability coverage for example - but there are also additional types of coverage that you can include on your policy to add an extra level of protection. Let's cut through the jargon and walk through some of the more popular coverage options.

Superior Protection 

Liberty Mutual goes above and beyond to make sure you're protected. From coverage like New Car Replacement, which is included on all car insurance policies, to Unlimited3 Rental Coverage, which you can choose to add to your policy whenever you'd like, we want to make sure you're confident in the coverage you choose.

New Car Replacement

It's said that a car starts depreciating the minute you drive off the lot. But with New Car Replacement, if your new car is totaled in the first year and within the first 15,000 miles, you'll get the money for a brand new car – not just the depreciated value.

Better Car Replacement

Even if your car is no longer new, you can still treat it like it is. With this optional coverage, if your car is totaled we'll give you the money to replace it with a car that is one model year newer and has 15,000 fewer miles on it.

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If you are ever in an accident, you can rely on our optional Unlimited Rental Coverage to pay your rental costs for as long as it takes to fix your car, when you choose to have your car repaired at a Liberty Mutual-approved repair facility.

Deductible Fund

This optional policy add-on can help lower your collision deductible and reduce the money you pay out-of-pocket in the event of a claim. When you add the Deductible Fund to your policy, Liberty Mutual will immediately put $100 into the fund to get it started.

Teachers Auto Insurance

If you're a teacher, you can get additional coverage to protect your vehicle and any teaching tools inside the car whether they're personally owned or were bought by your school – as long as they're in the car for school-related business.

Standard Coverage

No two auto insurance policies are the same, but most policies will include some variation of the following standard coverage.

Bodily Injury Liability

Bodily Injury Liability covers you in the event that you cause an auto accident in which another person (or people) is injured.

Property Damage Liability

Property Damage Liability gives you coverage in case your car damages someone else's property - usually this means someone else's car, but it could be a fence, light post or other piece of property.

Medical Payments

Medical Payments covers certain medical expenses if any vehicle occupants are injured in an accident.

Collision Coverage

Collision Coverage is an optional coverage that covers damage to your car caused by impact with another car or object.

Comprehensive Coverage

Comprehensive Coverage is also an optional coverage that covers damages to your car caused by something other than a collision - like theft, fire, etc.

Car Insurance Benefits

Insurance Policies are About More Than Just Coverage

Your auto insurance policy includes more than just coverage for your vehicle. It may also include some added benefits (some that are standard, some you can add) that can help make your insurance experience as hassle-free as possible.

Accident Forgiveness

If you've been accident and violation-free for 5 years (no matter what insurance carrier you've been with), we won't raise your rates due to your first accident. If you qualify, you'll receive this benefit at no extra cost.

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If your car is in an accident covered under your policy, you can have it fixed at one of our approved repair shops and the repairs will be guaranteed for as long as you own your vehicle.

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12-Month Rate Guarantee

Many auto insurance policies only last 6-months. This means that your rate can change after only half a year. At Liberty Mutual, our policies are for a full-year - guaranteeing your rate for an entire year.

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Paying your bill should be quick and easy; whether over the phone, online or through our mobile app, there are a number of options at your disposal. Have your payments deducted automatically from your checking or savings account (Electronic Funds Transfer), pay by credit card, mail us a check – you decide.2

After-Hours Policy Services

Have a policy or billing question, or need to change your policy? You can call our customer service representatives for expert help with questions regarding your policy and billing after normal business hours and on weekends.

Call 1-888-398-8924, Mon.-Fri. 8 am-10 pm ET, Sat. 8 am-8 pm ET, Sun. 11 am-5 pm ET.
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Make or schedule a payment, switch to paperless delivery, update policy information, track claims status, view transaction history and more with our online services. Register for eService today to begin managing your auto, home and life insurance policies from your computer or mobile device.

Car Insurance Discounts

Rewarding you with savings for affordable car insurance.

When you get a car insurance quote from Liberty Mutual, we'll help you find the discounts you qualify for, such as savings connected to your vehicle and driving record, employer, professional association, or alumni group. Qualifying for these discounts can save you even more on our already competitive car insurance rates.

Your Policy

Multi-Policy Discount

If you have more than one policy with us, you get additional protection and savings. 

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When you add or change a vehicle on your policy, you'll not only enjoy personalized service and expert advice, you'll receive savings on your premium.

Your Vehicle

Vehicle Safety Features Discount
You could receive auto insurance savings because of some of the standard safety features in your car, such as anti-theft and anti-lock brakes, as well as innovative features including adaptive cruise control, lane departure warning and collision preparation systems.

Hybrid Vehicle Discount

Preserving the environment is important. That's why we offer special savings to customers who insure hybrid cars.

Multi-Car Discount

It pays to have multiple cars listed on the same policy. Our Multi-Car Discount ensures you receive the best value and minimize the hassle of managing your auto insurance. For more information, go to our Multi-Policy Discount page.

Your Road Through Life

Teen Driver Discount

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Good Student Discount

Students who are under the age of 25 and achieve at least a B average get special savings on car insurance.

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If you need more information about this insurance please visit their website directly here