Saturday 31 October 2015

Return of Premium Life Insurance for a Smart Choice

Life insurance insurance is a must to buy. There are benefits that you will get if you buy this insurance. The benefits will not only be gotten by yourself but also your family or your dependents. There are many types of life insurance, but from all the types the premium one is the best option for you. There are so many offers that the insurance companies offer. One of the most interesting offers is return of premium life insurance.

The Meaning of Return of Premium Life Insurance

ROP life insurance is a term life insurance that offers special features. You will get all the money that you spend on your life insurance at the end of the term. The best offer is all the money will not be taxable. If you are offered with return of premium life insurance, you need to pay attention to the features that are offered to you. Choose the most interesting ones and you will get more benefits.

Why Should You Buy Return of Premium Life insurance?

There are many reasons why people are interested in this offer. One of them is they will feel confident if that they will be able to live longer than the term of the life insurance policy. They will still get and enjoy the returning money. They want to get the investment returned wholly with not taxable. It is an interesting feature. They will be able to get the investment back even though they still survive at the end of the term. Return premium life insurance is very interesting to buy.

The Difference between ROP Life Insurance and Regular Term Life Insurance

What is the difference between return of premium life insurance and regular term life insurance? Based on the coverage, there are similar where they will give the death benefits after your passing. There are some differences in some aspects. In the regular term life, you will not benefit and investment back if you survive at the end of the term. The benefits and the investment back can be gotten even though you survive at the end of the term.

Pros of ROP Life Insurance

return of premium life insurance
Return of Premium life insurance still arise pros and contras. We will discuss about ROP life insurance pros and contras. Starts from the pros first, you are allowed to buy this offer. You can choose the policy and term that you think it is suitable to you. You will not be disappointed because it should be customized to your desire and your own needs. ROP life will pay the death benefits same with the regular one. There is no decrement from this policy.

If you survive at the end of the term, you will get the refund of all the money that you buy from the premium policy of life insurance. You will not get it if you choose the regular one. The refund of money that you will get will not be taxable. You will get it all wholly. ROP life insurance is appropriate both for long term and short term life insurance.

Cons of ROP Life Insurance

The first con is related to the cost because it will be higher than the regular one. It can be 30% higher than the regular term. Consider the benefits that it offers, this high cost is reasonable. If you want to cancel return of premium life insurance, you will not get any refund from the premium life insurance you buy. You need to be sure before buying it.

You feel that you can get or earn more money than you will get from this term life insurance. It depends on you. It is different from the regular one. You need to pay attention to all the reviews of the policy they offer so that you choose the best option. After knowing the benefits as well as pros and contras, are you interested in buying ROP life insurance?

Friday 30 October 2015

Moda will honor health coverage according to current contracts

The announcement this week by Moda Health that it’s withdrawing from the Washington insurance market has understandably raised questions from its current enrollees.

Enrollees should be aware that their current policies will remain in effect according to the terms of the contracts. Moda said it will fulfill its obligations for plans signed on or renewed by Oct. 31, 2015. That includes policies that have already been sold that start on Nov. 1 or Dec. 1, 2015. Policies that start on Jan. 1, 2016 or later will be terminated.

That’s true for individual, small- and large-group employer plans.

Moda this week notified the Washington Health Benefit Exchange of its decision to quit doing business here. The Exchange is reaching out to its customers to let them know.

You can read that notification here.

In Washington state, Moda has:
  • About 18,000 people enrolled in the individual market inside and outside of the Exchange.
  • About 29,000 people covered through large-group plans.  
  • Another 900 enrolled in small-employer plans. 
Moda said it is withdrawing from Washington to focus on its business in Oregon and Alaska.

By the first week of November, the Oregon-based company is expected to notify all of its enrollees of its withdrawal from Washington.

Thursday 29 October 2015

Do you need flood insurance? Now is the time to do your research

Residents in Eastern Washington are facing increased risk of flooding after extreme wildfires the last two summers destroyed much of the vegetation there that would normally help prevent landslides and mudflows.

Flood damage is not covered by homeowner’s insurance. Consumers who want to protect their property must purchase a policy through the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). Most properties qualify for NFIP, as long as it is located in a community that participates in the NFIP.

NFIP has told to us that Okanogan County and most towns within the county will be able to purchase flood insurance.

Typically, there is a 30-day waiting period before your flood insurance policy takes effect. Here is information on how to find an agent near you who sells flood insurance policies through NFIP.

Read more about flood insurance: Are you protected against flood damage?

Eastern Washington fires burned down much of the vegetation that prevents flooding.
Photo courtesy Washington Military Department. 

Wednesday 28 October 2015

OIC partners with the American Indian Health Commission on Medicare training

 Terri Osborne, SHIBA, right, speaks with 
AIHC Executive Director Vickie Lowe. 
Earlier this year, Insurance Commissioner Mike Kreidler signed a contract with the American Indian Health Commission (AIHC) to support providing Medicare and other related training to tribal staff throughout the state.

The Commissioner's State Health Insurance Benefits Advisors (SHIBA) held its first quarterly training on Oct. 21 at Port Gamble S’Klallam tribal facilities in Kitsap County to 35 staff from several Western Washington tribes.

SHIBA will provide training throughout the year to tribes all over the state. Next up is a training in Spokane for tribes in the region.

The goal of the training to provide tribal assisters with information about Medicare eligibility, benefits and coordination with Medicaid for tribal elders and tribal members who need health care.
Dale Ensign with SHIBA provides
training to tribal staff about Medicare.

Tuesday 27 October 2015

What Affects How Much Does Life Insurance Cost

Life insurance is the most common insurance that people buy. Life insurance is a kind of insurance that offers the best benefits compared to other insurances. Some people who want to buy this kind of insurance will ask how much does life insurance cost. Cost is one of the biggest considerations. The answer will be vary because the costs are in fact different.

6 Factors that affect the life insurance cost

1. Age

Age is one of the factors that will be considered. It affects the cost. Different ages will spend different costs. A teenager who is 17 years old will cost different to buy life insurance from an adult who is 40 years old. People who are older need to cost much higher than people who are younger. It can be said that the older you are, the higher the cost will be. Age can affect how much does life insurance cost.

2. Health Profile and History

Your health can affect the cost of life insurance. The insurance company needs to know your current health. You are required to take the medical exam even though some companies offer non medical exam life insurance. It will relate to your health history, whether you have ever had some diseases or not, such as heart attack, diabetes, cancer, etc. You will be tested whether you are a smoker, often drunk, etc.

3. Gender

It is not only age and health that affect how much you cost life insurance. Gender has an important role related to the cost of this insurance. The life insurance for men and for women will be different on the cost. Who needs to cost higher? Women are considered to be able to live longer than men. The cost of this insurance will be higher for men. It is reasonable.

4. Occupations

how much does life insurance cost
The next factor is your own occupation. Occupation is needed to be considered because different occupations have different risks of accident. A receptionist and a fireman will cost different for their life insurance. A heavy machine operator will cost different from a typewriter for the life insurance. There are still many other examples of occupations that need to cost different to buy life insurance. It is important to know that occupation affects the cost. You need to pay attention to your own occupation.

5. Exam

There is exam factor. There are many kinds of exam that are required. One of the most important exams is medical exam. You are required to take medical exam, but some insurance companies offer life insurance without a medical exam. It happens to other kinds of exam. There are some insurance companies that do not require any exam. Non exam life insurance cost will higher than life insurance with the exam.

6. Types of Life Insurance

Types of insurance affect how much does life insurance cost. The first type is whole life insurance that covers the most complete coverage. The second type is universal life insurance and the last type is term insurance. The term insurance will have different term lengths. Choose the type, policy and the coverage based on your desire. Comparing three types above, whole life insurance cost will highest, the universal will cost lower, and the term life offers the lowest price.

All the factors that will be considered related to the cost of this insurance. There is a good tip to lower how much does life insurance cost. You need to keep your health, especially chronic health such as your heart and liver. If you are healthy, you will cost lower to buy life insurance. Hopefully this will be a good reference, especially for you who want to buy life insurance.

Mold, mildew, rot typically not covered by homeowner’s insurance

Living in the Northwest, it is not unusual for homeowners to discover mold, mildew or rot damage to their homes as a result of things like a leaking pipe, a hole in the roof, a failing window seal or improper venting.

Such damage is considered wear and tear and is typically not covered by homeowner's insurance. Insurance is designed to cover sudden and accidental damage caused by specific perils, such as a windstorm, fire or explosion. Some policies may cover mold or mildew damage discovered and reported within two weeks of the leak that caused the damage and some insurers offer limited mold coverage. Consumers should check their policies to find out what is covered.  

We do hear from consumers who are unhappy to find out this type of damage is not covered by their insurance. If the policy specifically excludes such damage, we can't compel the company to pay for the repairs. 

Here are some perils that homeowner's insurance policies typically do not cover:
  • Earthquakes
  • Floods
  • Mold damage
  • Damage due to animals or rodents
  • Foundation settling 

Questions? You can contact our consumer advocates online or at 1-800-562-6900.

Sunday 25 October 2015

Saizen Reit - A surprise rise in stock price?

Saizen reit has been an investment which I've talked about for the past 2 years plus. I personally made my investment in this reit 2 years back. Much has been said about how this reit is trading at a discount and they have been able to sell some of their properties at above valuation which means the reit could be worth even more than what they valued their properties at. The net asset value could have been higher than what they had reported.

For the past 2 years, the stock price of Saizen reit has remained mostly stable with slight declines. Just last week, its price went up suddenly which made a lot of investor curious. It rose 8.2% on Friday alone. What caused the stock price to rise so much?

Saizen reit released a statement thereafter saying that they had actually received a firm's offer in relation to the assets of Saizen Reit. This simply means there's a possibility of an acquisition from another firm which caused the unit price to rise.

Here's the announcement:
"the  Manager  wishes  to  announce  that  the  Manager  has  received  a  firm  offer in  relation  to  the assets  of  Saizen  REIT  which  the  Evaluation  Committee  and  the  joint financial  advisers  are currently  reviewing  and  evaluating.  No  definitive  agreements  have been  entered  into  and  there is  no  assurance  that  the  offer  will  be  accepted  and  that  definitive agreements  will  be  entered into."  

However, it is still speculative at this stage on whether the acquisition will go through. With Saizen reit's net asset valued at  $1.14 currently, any potential buyout may be higher than its current stock price below $1 thus the stock price rose from 80 cents plus to 93 cents on Friday.

Saizen Reit has a portfolio of income producing real estates. These properties are mostly residential properties. It is hard to find an investment in residential properties which was what attracted me to invest in Saizen reit in the beginning. The company is certainly trading at a discount plus residential properties are stable income producing assets especially in Japan where the majority of the population rent their homes.

Saizen Reit is my biggest investment to date as I've added my positions over the years at lower prices. I've collected dividends over the years while waiting for the Reit to unlock its true value. Whether there's an acquisition or not, this has still been a good investment till today.

Let's see what happens next.

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Related Posts:
1. The Japan story - Croesus retail trust and Saizen Reit
2. Saizen REIT - Income from Japanese residential properties?

Saturday 24 October 2015

Proposing Over 50 Life Insurance Comparison Nowadays and Some Benefits

One common fact must be understood from nowadays life is that there are so many types of the life insurance services can be found. The variations of the services offered may create the confused situation for some people. Based on that reason, it becomes important for you to have enough knowledge about the comparison. The extreme type of over 50 life insurance comparison for example can be suggested for making sure that you are choosing the appropriate type of the service nowadays.

The next question is where will you find the over 50 life insurance comparison nowadays? That is actually something easy to be answered. Before you compose the idea about taking the specific service of life insurance you may compose the specific plan about your needed service. When you have the simple business for example you will need the insurance for making the balance of your profit. That can be helped by getting the insurance service since that can be used during your bad time of business. There is always the risk of facing the problem when you have the modern business nowadays.
By proposing over 50 life insurance comparison you also may get the deep understanding about some types of the benefits may be gained from every life insurance company. From one company you for example may get the whole life insurance while from other companies you may get the type of the captive insurance. Understanding all details about the services and the companies can make your decision as the best one to be composed.

The Brief Explanation about the Life Insurance

over 50 life insurance comparison
There are actually some benefits may be gained from the over 50 life insurance comparison. One of them for example is the information about the details of the claims. When you have a business for example, there are some problems may be faced relate to your business. That can be connected for example into your tax of business or even your composition of balanced profit. All of these aspects must be included into the consideration before you choose one company available in your location.

There is actually one benefit may be gained from the over 50 life insurance comparison in nowadays time. The benefit can be connected into the easiness of accessing all information needed from online site. Every company of insurance nowadays may have the official site where you may find all information needed. The idea of choosing one service from the appropriate company may create the great result.

The act of taking over 50 life insurance comparison also may be directed into the act of getting the information about what kind of insurance type may be chosen. For your business health you also may compose the idea about asset insurance or property insurance. The idea for choosing the specific type of insurance must be supported by some acts too. Without the supporting points proposed it will be hard to gain the benefits from it. That is the first concept must be understood that can make sure that you have the guarantee about getting the help during your problem appearance.

Pros and Contras of Life Insurance for Children

Life insurance is one of the must have insurances for you. There are many benefits that you will get by buying this insurance. Consider the importance of this insurance, there are many people who buy it. Is it a good idea to buy life insurance for children? It depends on your own perspective because different people have different opinions. There are still many pros and contras. This article will discuss about it.

Death Benefits of Life Insurance for Children

The most important benefit of life insurance is related to death benefits. If your children pass away, you need cash for the funeral and other needs related to it. With kids' life insurance, you will have the cash replacement from the claimed life insurance for children that you buy for your kids. It is a good benefit. You need to buy life insurance for all your family members including your children.

Income Replacement

You can buy life insurance as the income replacement when you cannot earn money. It will be useless because your children cannot earn money at their ages. So, what's to be replaced? All their needs are your responsibility. If you buy life insurance and you hope the income replacement. It means you are useless to buy it. It belongs to the contras to this life insurance. You may buy or not this insurance for your kids.

How to Buy Life Insurance for Children

life insurance for children
If you are interested in life insurance for kids, you can buy it in some ways. The first option is that you can take the advantages of employee benefits. Some companies offer it. You can use this benefit to include your kids. You can include your kids as the rider of your life insurance. It is one of the most common ways taken by most people. Another way is to buy it alone. It means that the life insurance is your kids. Those are the various ways to buy this life insurance.

The Ages

You should know the ranges of the ages where your children are allowed to have this life insurance. The minimum age for children to have this life insurance is after 14 days old. Kids under this age are not allowed to have life insurance. What about the maximum age? Your kids should be under 15 years old or on the other words. They are maximally 14 years old. If you are interested in this insurance, you can buy them life insurance at those ages.

How to Pay for this Life insurance

You have some options to pay it. If you choose the premium life insurance for children, you can consider one time payment where you pay completely. You can consider annual payment where you should pay every year. There is a semiannual payment where you pay every six months. Another option of paying for this life insurance is monthly. You pay it every month.

Does It Required for Medical Exam?

Life insurance for children is taken by those who are 14 days old. For the rules, those who are under 15 years old are not required to take a medical exam. As the parent, you should answer some question related to medic and other questions that are needed. You have to answer all the questions they give.

Is There Any Guarantee?

You need to the guarantee of this product. Life insurance that you buy for your children will have guaranteed. It offers 30 days of the cash back guarantee. It is one of the benefits for you. If you think that it is needed, you can consider buying life insurance for children. You should pay attention to some considerations above. Hopefully this will be a useful reference for you all.

Thursday 22 October 2015

Life Insurance for Elderly Is One Thing That You Must Make In GoodPreparation

Life insurance is one thing that you must make in good preparation. Cover all what your life need can make your life better. One kind of life insurance that you must thing and must you take in your life is life insurance for elderly. This life insurance gives good advantage when you have chosen this one kind of life insurance. Your elderly days do not contain with the afraid thing again, but you can enjoy your elderly time with the life insurance.

When you get elderly times or your parent starting to get elderly time, it's better if you are starting to thinking about the life insurance in elderly. Some of important thing will you get in really suitable and give you good advantage. Your elderly time is not you make with wasting your time by using life insurance. By using life insurance for elderly, you can prepare your old time whit good preparation. So, when you need all of the thing in your elderly time, you can get all of what you want in your elderly time with the insurance.

Why this insurance is important?

Some of the reason can be your consideration why you must choose this insurance. The first reason is this life insurance you will get benefit life insurance. Life insurance for elderly can make you get the advantage with the lowest premium rate that you must purchase. To get this life insurance in good planning, you can make your life insurance give you the best advantage.

This insurance can make you get advantage because you can plan all the thing that you need when you get older with this insurance. For example, is about your funeral cost. Life insurance for elderly is giving you a premium for the funeral cost. You can pay the funeral without making your family in difficult payment. The insurance company will pay with the premium all of your funeral costs. All of the funeral thing will paid from the insurance company like the burial plot, funeral ceremony until flower of the funeral. It will pay from the insurance company.

This life insurance can use by all of the people. Life insurance has medical examining. It make not all of people can get the life insurance. This life insurance can make all people take this life insurance. This insurance can use for all people from different age and different genre.

How to get cheaper life insurance for elderly

Get your life insurance is not mean you are must pay inexpensive price. Life insurance for elderly is one kind of life insurance that you can get at low price. The first thing that you can do to get the insurance is chooses right company for you. You can find different quote and life policies in different company. You must search best company.

The second thing that you must give your attention is the life insurance company information. The insurance information about the type of policy, DOB, zip code, and gender and some of important details. You can choose your life insurance company that offers you with low set of premium and give you coverage benefits.

The most important thing that you must give your attention when you want to get cheap life insurance is you must start your life insurance in early. This will help you to get lower premium that you must pay in the life insurance company. Choose best requirement and starting in earlier you will get best advantage from life insurance for elderly with choosing the best company. You will get your life insurance in the best advantage.

Do you have a teen driver? Five tips to cover with your teen

This week is National Teen Driver Safety Week, sponsored by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for 14- to 18-year-olds in the United States. In 2013, 2,614 teen drivers were killed in crashes and an estimated 130,000 teens were injured. Yet, a recent survey shows that only 25% of parents have had a serious talk with their kids about the key components of driving.

The “5 to Drive” campaign addresses the five most dangerous and deadly behaviors for teen drivers. The idea behind the campaign is to give parents the words to use when they talk with their teens about the rules of the road. NHTSA’s website, has detailed information and statistics about the five rules designed to help save the lives of teen drivers.
  1. No drinking and driving: Nearly one out of five (19 percent) of the young drivers 15 to 19 years old involved in fatal crashes had been drinking, even though they were too young to legally buy or possess alcohol. 
  2. Buckle up. Every trip. Every time. Front seat and back: 64 percent of all the young (13- to 19-year-old) passengers of teen (15- to 19-year-old) drivers who died in motor vehicle crashes in 2013 weren’t restrained. 
  3. Put it down. One text or call could wreck it all.: The age group of 15 to 19 years old has the highest percentage of drivers who were distracted by cell phone use and involved in a fatal crash. In 2013, 318 people were killed in crashes that involved a distracted teen driver. 
  4. Stop speeding before it stops you: In 2013, almost one-third (29 percent) of teen drivers involved in a fatal crash were speeding. 
  5. No more than one passenger at a time: The risk of a fatal crash goes up with each additional passenger. 

Wednesday 21 October 2015

The Real Purpose Of Financial Freedom

Financial freedom is a word that's widely used and maybe misused. Some of us may think financial freedom is all about money. Why do we invest? Why do we want to save so much? Why do we want to keep having more money? It seems like those who pursue financial freedom is always focused on money. Isn't it bad for life? Shouldn't we just enjoy life and not think too much about money?

What is Money? Why Financial Freedom?

Before we can answer the question of the real purpose of financial freedom, we have to understand what exactly is money? Money in short is actually just a medium of exchange. We need it to buy goods and services. In layman terms, we need it to live our lives and to provide for our families.

As kids, we have lots of dreams and most of it has nothing to do about money. When a kid says he wants to be a doctor, its not about the salary he will receive. Its always about the people he can help and the lives he can save. A kid doesn't have to worry about money because money is taken care of by his parents. He can really do the things he like and pursue his dreams.


When money comes into our lives, when we have the responsibility to earn it for our own survival or the responsibility to provide better lives for our families, somehow we get lost in the world and lose our dreams and passions in life. We ask ourselves what are we working for? What are we living our lives for?

We get unhappy and pursue all kinds of funny things in our life. Funny because some of us will regret later and think why did we even pursue useless stuff in our lives in the first place? There are a few motivations even to these two popular words called financial freedom. Financial freedom can also be pursued in a wrong way.

Financial Freedom To enjoy life?

One of the motivations to financial freedom i've heard is that one can enjoy life once he reach financial freedom. He can travel around the world, buy the things he likes and really live the life he desires. More often than not, financial freedom is linked to a luxurious life of property and cars. Financial freedom is often said to be the state where we don't have to work and still live the life we desire. Desire is the key word here.

Do we desire a life of luxuries? Do we desire a life where we can buy anything we want? However, the key question is so what if we have reached that stage when we can afford anything we want without working? Is that all to life?

Financial Freedom To do nothing?

The second motivation I've heard regarding financial freedom is that one can do nothing and have the freedom not to work when we reach financial freedom. If we hate working and don't like our bosses or colleagues, this seems like a good idea. However, to do nothing when we reach financial freedom is really just meaningless.

Many people hope that one day they don't have to work, don't have to wake up early or face the demands of their boss or the office politics. But, when that day finally comes when we don't have to work, it starts to feel that life is just too boring. We start to feel disconnected from the world, disconnected from people and lonely. This doesn't seem like a good financial freedom life.

Financial Freedom To spend time with our loved ones and pursue our passions

The last and most important motivation for financial freedom to me is that we can spend time with our loved ones and really pursue our passion. If we have kids, we can spend more time to nurture them to be better people. We can give more love to our family by spending time with them.

At this stage, we don't have to work for money anymore. We go to work because we really like our work and not because we have to work. When this happens, we become more motivated at work because we work for passion and not as a chore.

The most important reason for financial freedom is we can become like kids again, having dreams without worrying about the money aspect. We can fulfil our passions without having to think will this work that we do bring us enough money to provide for our family?  We can do meaningful things in our life.

If we get money out of our lives, we can do the more important things in life. That is the purpose of financial freedom. It is not for us to just enjoy life or do nothing but rather for us to lead a more meaningful life. Would you rather be a slave to money or a master of money? Slaves work for money while masters let money work for them. We can choose the path we take which leads to different destinations. altogether.

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Related Posts:
1. How Not To Be a Cheapskate In Your Journey To Financial Freedom
2. Save 75% of your income to retire in 7 years

Tuesday 20 October 2015

Starting to know about How Does Life Insurance Work Nowadays

how does life insurance work
Almost all people nowadays know about life insurance. That is caused by the common fact that life insurance is the product of modern era for making the beautiful life without the appearance of any problems. However, not all people know about how does life insurance work whereas the information about that may be included into the whole information needed before you propose the idea about using it. When you can compose the idea about it you must make the preparation relating to understand about it too.

Then, to know about how does life insurance work, you must look for the information source. The source nowadays is really simple. Of course most of the life insurance companies nowadays have the official site. The site may give you the whole information about its quotes and the type of the service may be gained. The steps must be passed when you want to get the service also may be found from the same place. You also can propose the need for the consultation moment when you want to get it.
The preparation to get the life insurance service may be started from looking for the information about how does life insurance work. That is the preparation and of course that then may be assumed as the most important thing too. The service will be needed for anticipating the bad condition happens sometimes. To face the moment with your own power that can be something hard. So, you will need any help from any source and that can be gained from the company in general. 

The Steps for getting the Insurance Service

There are some steps may be composed to get the service in this style. After understanding about how does life insurance work you then may compose the idea about starting your plan. The life insurance type may be directed to the need for getting the help when you have been retired from your working place. This one is important to make sure that you can live even when you do not have the great income as in the time when you are still working. This one becomes one of the commonest services chosen by nowadays people.

Since it is actually easy to know about how does life insurance work, the way for getting its service then also is easy too to be composed. You may start it by composing the specific plan about your need. Besides of choosing the type of the retirement insurance you also can compose the type of the captive insurance. This one may be chosen when you have the large business nowadays. It can help you to keep your business in the good condition.

Whatever, the simple explanation about how does life insurance work is that it can be used for facing the bad condition of your life. Any fields may be helped by using it when there is the appearance of the problem with them. You must be sure that you know all aspects about it before you make the plan of choosing the specific type of insurance.

Monday 19 October 2015

Accidental Life Insurance - Life Insurance

Accidental life insurance is one kind of life insurance that can be your choices. You can choose some of different life insurance that you thing in suitable with what you need. You will get a lot of different advantages when you choose your life insurance in right choices. From the good life insurance, you can get suitable advantage that will you get. You will get best advantage from your life insurance. You can get saving money when you need the money.

Accidental life insurance is one kind of life insurance that you can choose. You can find regular life insurance, life insurance in accidental kind is a little bit different. You can get your insurance in really suitable for you choose. It can make you are getting the advantage. Some of consideration can be your option why you must choose this life insurance. You can get the most suitable life insurance that can make you are getting suitable looking.

Why choose accidental life insurance?

We must go to work, school and other with using our own car every day. At this time statistic, a car crash shows that a lot of people get their die on the road when they are driving. Some of them died under 35 years old. This is becoming one case why you must get your insurance before you are getting the bad accident. If we look from the case, you can get the conclusion that this insurance is important for you before you are getting the bad thing. We can get the money saving before we are can get the bad thing when we are in the driving.

accidental life insurance
Not only with the car crash, we can get some of accidental causes with some of different thing. Accidental life insurance is best answers how to make you can get assurance if in your accident you can get bad effect. You can cover with all of the bad effect. You will get it when you get your accident. All of the bad things can covered in good method. You will get better consideration why you must choose this one kind of life insurance.

No one of us will hope about the car accident. With choose accidental life insurance, we can get the preparation if something bad happens to our self. We can prepare all of the things in good preparation without making our family get the difficulties with our accident. Although you are in expert when you are using your car, but choose life insurance for accidental still can make you feel safe when you get an accident. We must prepare all things in our life in food preparation. We can solve the problem in good solution.

The different between accidental life insurance and other life insurance

Every life insurance kind has a different thing. Like what you get from this insurance. This insurance will make you can get different policy and advantage from your life insurance. The most different thing between this life insurance and other is this life insurance only will pay the policy term when you get an accident and not because the illness. This is the most different thing between this life insurance and other.

Life insurance with accidental is assuring your accident. When you get an accident, you will get the assurance from the hospital stays, medical costs, and other depending on the policy that you agree. The difference all of the thing is the effect from the accident for your note.

Accidental life insurance can one kind of life insurance that you can choose. You will get advantage of the policy term. You must give attention in the policy term first before you decide to use your life insurance. By using this life insurance, you will get covered all of your accident affects. So, use this life insurance will give you the best advantage.

Friday 16 October 2015

Life Insurance without Medical Exam for Fast Insurance Solution

Life insurance is one of the most favorite insurances. Compared to other types of insurance, it is much more important. You need to have this insurance. It is very easy to buy life insurance. There are some insurance companies that offer life insurance without medical exam. It is very interesting and it has advantages and disadvantages. If you are interested, this article will discuss about this insurance.

People Who Usually Buy Life Insurance without Medical Exam

There are many people who buy non medical exam life insurance. One of them is those who have white coat hypertension. They are the ones who feel hypertension when they face medical tools and doctor. They will feel stressed when taking the exam even more the blood flow is not stable. So, they are allowed to have life insurance without medical exam because it has bad impacts. Some other exams are not held.
People who are extremely busy will be buying this life insurance. For example, you are a businessman who often goes abroad for business. You will not have much time to take the medical exam. Life insurance without medical exam can be the best option for you. People who need life insurance soon in a hurry will be prefer this to the medical exam one. The life insurance that requires medical exam will take longer time to complete the requirements. People are busy with their business, it is reasonable that this life insurance is more popular now.

The Requirements of Life Insurance without Medical Exam

Life Insurance without Medical Exam
Life insurance with no medical exam is simpler than the medical exam one. Some people prefer this one. There are some considerations that will be used. One of them is your current age. Your health history is considered. Another consideration is your current income. You can decide whether you will buy the life insurance without medical exam with whole of life insurance or term life insurance. You can choose based on your desire. The price will be different.

Life insurance without Medical Exam Vs with Exam

What are the differences between life insurance with medical exams and without a medical exam? There is no difference between them related to the coverage. One of the greatest differences is on the requirements where the life insurance without medical exam is much simpler than another one. It will be more expensive. Different ages will have different prices. You should customize to your own age. It is easier to be approved because you will not take the exam, especially medical exam.

The Types

There are many non medical exam life insurance types. The first is simplified issue term insurance. The lengths are 10, 15, and 20 years of the term lengths. The second type is simplified issue of universal life insurance. It can be applied for those who are from 21 years old to 65 years old. The next type is a level death benefit whole life. It is similar to the previous one. The difference is that this life insurance can be applied to those who are over 65 years old and even 80 years old.

There is graded benefit of whole life insurance. It is one of the best offers with lifetime coverage. The cost is higher. It is still accepted even though you have ever had substance abuse, stroke, and diabetes type I. The next type is a rapid decision senior about whole life insurance. It is a life insurance special for those who are in the ranges of 65 to 85 years old. The last is guaranteed issue policies. This is the easy life insurance even you will not be asked anything about your health history. This life insurance is taken by those who are in poor health.

How Long Does It Take?

So, how long does it take? It will be different depending on the insurance company and the process. It takes about 2 to 10 days of the business days. This will be a useful reference. If you are interested in this life insurance, you can take it now.

Thursday 15 October 2015

New Medicare pages on OIC's website, including new Advantage plans

SHIBA is happy to announce today's launch of the new and improved Medicare webpages on the OICs website. Last spring, SHIBA staff and OIC's Web Services team conducted a usability study on the agency's Medicare webpages. After several months of research, and writing and editing content, the new section should provide content that is more user-friendly and easier to navigate for consumers.

In addition, the 2016 Medicare Advantage and Special Needs plans by county are now available on the OIC's website. Medicare open enrollment started today and ends Dec. 7. Read more about Medicare open enrollment.

Wednesday 14 October 2015

OIC joins Great ShakeOut drill – are you prepared for an earthquake?

The OIC is joining the Great Washington ShakeOut drill tomorrow, along with more than 1 million other participants in Washington state. 

In addition to practicing drop, cover and hold, in what other ways are you prepared for an earthquake? Here are some tips from the OIC to help you think about ways you can protect yourself and your home in the event of an earthquake:
Questions? You can contact our consumer advocates online or at 1-800-562-6900.

7 Great Benefits of Life Insurance

Insurance is very important. It can be a good plan for the future. It does not only relate to you, but also all your family members. There are many types of insurance such as life insurance, health insurance, car insurance, etc. From all the types of insurance, life insurance is the most important insurance because it has so many benefits. You need to have this insurance. This article will discuss about the benefits of life insurance to make sure that you need to have this insurance.

The Benefits of Life Insurance

1. Minimize the Risk of Something Unexpected

One of the advantages of life insurance is minimize the risk of unexpected things. There are many uncertainties in life. The risk of life is increased. With life insurance, it means you protect your life from the risk of accidents or other unexpected things. Consider that the benefits of life insurance are very important, it will be better if all of your family members have this insurance.

2. As a Long Term Investment

Life insurance can be considered as a long term investment. There is an unexpected thing happens. You need not worry because you can claim your life insurance to get the cash for treatment. If you die by an accident, your family will get cash for the funeral and other needs from the life insurance investment. It can be used as the investment for other things such as your kids' education or other needs.

3. Cover Your Health

When you get older, your health will be lower. You will have the higher risk of diseases such as diabetes, heart attack, and other diseases. If you have this insurance, you will use the life insurance benefits to cover your health. You will be able to claim your life insurance. The hospital treatment will be covered by this insurance. If all your family members have life insurance, you will feel calmer in this life.

4. As the Retirement Income Planning

benefits of life insurance
There are many people who agree that life insurance can be considered as one of the best sources of retirement income planning. You can claim your life insurance when you are old and you do not have money to survive. Life insurance covers and protects all things related to life including surviving. So, it can be one of the benefits of life insurance that you have to know and claim.

5. Protect Assets

There is a great life insurance advantage that is protecting assets. Assets mean all what you have, including your house and family. After you die and your families do not have money to survive and get educations, they can claim your life insurance. They will be able to survive and get educations well. That is why people are interested in life insurance.

6. Flexible

As long as you pay the premium one, your life insurance is very flexible. It means you can change the coverage of the insurance you want. There are many kinds of coverage that this insurance offers. You can choose based on your own desire. Before you turn 69 years old, you can change it easily. The procedures are simple. It is one of the benefits of life insurance that make people interested.

7. Easy to Claim

Another best benefit is easy claiming. You can use it in your old time because it is a long term insurance. When you need it, you can claim it easily. There is no penalty or requirement minimum of distribution for the insurance to be able to claim this. There are still many other benefits of life insurance. Consider the importance of this insurance, you need to have it. You can pair life insurance with other kinds of insurance.

Monday 12 October 2015

Prepare To Pay Higher For Your Home Loans If You Do Nothing

Two days ago, there was an article on Channel News Asia that reported: "Home owners should prepare for higher mortgage rates: Analysts". In the article, it reported that analysts have said home owners should brace themselves for further increases in mortgage rates. Singapore has one of the highest percentage of home owners which means most of us also have mortgage loans. It is impossible to buy a house without a mortgage loan nowadays.

How increase in mortgage rates affect home owners? 

Those of us who have mortgage loans from the bank would already have felt the increase in the monthly instalments we pay for our housing loans if we did not refinance it to a fixed rate package. Some of us have small increases below $100 per month while others who have larger mortgage loans have bigger increases of a few hundred dollars per month. This increase is not going to stop there.

I've been working as a mortgage consultant for the past 2 months and have seen mortgage rates rise significantly. I work closely with the banks in Singapore and am always updated on new rates changes. Many people have emailed me to refinance their housing loans to fixed rate packages so they have a greater piece of mind. This is a free service I provide to all readers of my blog as I feel it really helps people to save more money and get the best rates for their loans. You can read more about the service I provide here: Home Loans (New/Refinance). One of the greatest expense we have is certainly our monthly mortgage instalment which we have to pay for average 25-30 years. Just refinancing to save a few hundred dollars per month will go a long way.

The rise in SIBOR

If you've taken a home loan from a bank and have not done any refinancing for the past 3-5 years, you will definitely be on a variable rate package which means you will be affected by the rise in mortgage rates.

SIBOR is the most common variable rate package. Some may ask what exactly is SIBOR? In its original form, it is called Singapore Interbank Offer Rate. This is a rate which Singapore banks lend to each other. You may have heard of the London Interbank Offer rate (LIBOR) which is used in the UK.

One year ago I wrote an article on "Housing loans - What to choose and what happens to your loans when interest rates goes up?". I warned of a impending interest rate increase and how it will affect home owners. The SIBOR rate was only 0.40% at that time. Now SIBOR rate is at 1.13%. This is an increase of 3 times now in just one year. DBS expects the three-month Singapore Interbank Offered Rate to rise from the current 1.13 per cent to 1.22 per cent by the end of this year, and 1.75 per cent in about a year's time.

I've managed to plot the 3 month and 1 month SIBOR rates from 1987. The data is from MAS website. Unfortunately, MAS discontinued the data from 1 January 2014 so I can only plot one more single point for the current October 2015. From previous trends, when rates rise, it does not just stop there. There is a significant spike in the rates and I believe it will continue to rise too.

How much increase in our housing loan instalment if mortgage rates rise by 1%?

To cut the long story short, most of us will be affected if we still have mortgage loans on variable rate packages. How much will be the increase in our housing loan instalment if mortgage rates rise by 1%? This will be what most of us are interested to know. 

I've calculated the values based on a remaining loan tenure of 20 years and increase of rates by 1%. as seen on the table below:

Loan Amount ($)Monthly Increase
$300,000 $138
$1 Million$460
$1.5 Million$690
$2 Million$920
$3 Million$1,380

Do note that the increase is on a monthly basis. Fortunately, we can do something about our loans and limit the effect we have on rising mortgage rates.

How To Refinance to lower our monthly mortgage payments?

With mortgage rates increasing, it is time to look at refinancing our home loans so we get a piece of mind for it. Refinancing is simply changing your loan package to another loan package so you get savings on your mortgage instalments. 

I have seen banks revising up their rates over the past few months while doing mortgage consultancy work. I've also helped people lock in good rates for their mortgage loans through refinancing to fixed rate packages. I would not recommend anyone to take up or remain on floating/variable rate packages at the current moment. 

Refinancing is easy and I provide free consultancy service for your refinancing needs. Simply email me at and I'll settle your refinancing for you. I compare the rates of many different banks in Singapore to give you the best rates you can get for your home loans. Thereafter, I'll link up with the bank to provide personalised service for your refinancing. 

If you're planning to buy a property or have already bought your property and looking for home loans, I can assist you on applying for your new mortgage loans too. Feel free to take a look at the other complimentary services I provide here too: Home Loans (New/Refinance)

Its time to take some action and save some money in the process! Share this with your friends and family members who have mortgage loans too. 

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Related Posts:

Friday 9 October 2015

Homeowners, insurers have responsibilities in repair claims

We often hear from consumers who are concerned about their home repair or rebuild insurance claims and have questions about their insurer's role in overseeing the contractors' work.  

Your insurance company is responsible for paying the claim, as laid out in your homeowner policy. Typically, it is your responsibility to oversee the project with your contractor, and when applicable, your lender. The exception would be if your insurance company has given you assurances or if your policy contains a provision that obligates the insurer to manage a covered home repair or rebuild.

However, if you are using an insurer’s recommended (sometimes called “preferred”) contractor, you should expect assistance from the insurer in answering your questions about the contractor’s actions and performance. 

Many insurers also require the homeowner to stop the damage from getting worse--this is called loss mitigation in your policy. If you don’t mitigate the loss, you could be on the hook for paying for any resulting additional damage. For example, if you have water damage in your home, you must control it as soon as you discover it. If you let it go until you get around to calling your insurance company, you will be responsible for any resulting damage, including rot, mildew or mold. Even if you use an insurer's preferred contractor, you are still responsible for mitigating the loss prior to the contractor showing up and starting the repairs. 

More information:
Questions? You can contact our consumer advocates online or at 1-800-562-6900.

The Good Over 50 Life Insurance

Over 50 life insurance can you buy and you should choose the best insurance in the old age. You may need the insurance in this age because you consider about the cost in the old life will need much cost. There are much insurance that offers the good over 50 life insurance, but you should choose the best insurance with the good policy. If you want to but the insurance, you can find them from your friend and the internet as the reference, you also need to ask the expert about the best insurance or you can make consultation with your family members.

The benefit of the over 50 life insurance

over 50 life insurance
The over 50 life insurance will be the good thing because it will help you to get the cost in the funeral and the benefit after the death. The policy from the one insurance and the other insurance will be difference. If you get the premature death you may not get the mortgage payment. You should make the good plan when you want to but the life insurance in the old age, because the premium for the over 50’s life insurance may more expensive.

Not all insurance will give you the good offer. There is only the selected insurance that will give you the conventional life offer for the old buyer. You can get the insurance in over 50 life insurance from the specialist as the provider and you can buy the plans in the age of 50-80. The insurance can give you the cover and the guarantee after you reach 90 years old. You will not need to pay the monthly payment after this age.

The benefit of the over 50 insurance that will be got by you will be different from ne to another. You are recommended to make the comparation to get the best price of the insurance. There is the cheaper price of the insurance if you can find the best insurance from the high consideration. The consideration of the price will help you to make the plan for your old life. You should choose the cheaper over 50’s life insurance which has the good benefit.

There are many things that you should consider in finding the best over 50 life insurance. There are the types of the insurance that will help you to get the best plan for your old life. There are the types of the insurance such as the whole life insurance that will give the money after your death, the level term that will give you the fixed payment but you should agree the policy, decreasing term as the insurance with the lower price. You can choose the best over 50 life insurance that you need.

There are much insurance that offer the good policy, but it will be the good thing if you make the comparation from the one insurance to another insurance. You can find the lower price of the insurance that will give you much benefit. Over 50 life insurance is the good thing because it will help you to make the good plan in the old life. You can choose the best and you should make the consultation with your family.

Sunday 4 October 2015

Croesus Retail Trust - Rights Issue 22 For 100

Croesus Retail Trust is a company which I invested in since November 2013. This is a business trust which owns shopping centres in Japan. It currently has 7 properties in its portfolio and is buying the 8th property in Kyushu island. This is the reason for the rights issue which was announced just a few days ago.

I will be subscribing to the rights issue and also will be applying for excess rights. This has been something which I've been waiting for quite some time now. The dividend income I've been getting from this stock has been quite stable for the past 2 years which I believe the management knows what they are doing.

I attended the retail investor seminar of CRT just a few months back which reaffirms my decision to invest in this stock. You can read more about what the management of CRT said during the seminar here: Investing in Japan's Shopping Centres - Croesus Retail Trust Retail Investor Seminar

Croesus Retail Trust Acquires Torius Property in Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan for JPY 7,997 million

Torius Property will be the eighth property in Croesus Retail Trust’s (“CRT”) portfolio, marking its first foray into Kyushu Island, and will be the fourth property acquired by CRT since its IPO in May 2013. The rights issue will be offered for Units of twenty-two (22) Rights Units for every one hundred (100) existing Units at S$0.610 per Rights Unit.

Torius Property is a large-scale suburban retail mall located in the satellite town of Hisayama-machi of Kasuya-gun, which is approximately 13 km from central Fukuoka City in Fukuoka Prefecture, on Japan’s Kyushu Island. It comprises of 36 single or double storey buildings and offers a diverse and unique mix of 145 tenants. Some of Torius Property’ tenants include Costco (wholesale supermarket), Nafco (interior and furniture, DIY), United Cinema (cinema), Rakuichi Rakuza
(amusement centre) and Daiso (100 yen shop). Other notable facilities at Torius Property include a petting zoo, as well as an outdoor barbecue park that enhances the mall's appeal as a family outing and gathering destination.

The current stock price for CRT is about S$0.815 per unit. Getting the rights units at S$0.610 will improve the yield I receive from this stock moving forward. Subscribing to the rights issue shows my trust in the management to provide good income for shareholders in the future.

The new property that they will be buying has good NPI yield of 7.84% as compared to the NPI yield of CRT's existing portfolio of 5.3%. Torius Property has a high occupancy rate of 95.3%.

The commencement of trading of rights entitlement will start on 9th October 2015 and end on 19th October 2015. The last date and time for acceptance of the Rights Entitlements and payment for Rights Units will be on 23rd October 2015.

Its time for more dividend income!

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Related Posts:
1. The Japan story - Croesus retail trust and Saizen Reit
2. Investing in Japan's Shopping Centres - Croesus Retail Trust Retail Investor Seminar

Friday 2 October 2015

Types of High Risk Life Insurance and How to Choose the Best

The dangers could be accident, auto wreck, illness, and others. Those dangers can damage people's life. The bad part is the dangers cannot be predicted. They can come suddenly as people have not been prepared before. A businessman or even a taxi driver gets an auto wreck right after he is riding to his home. He is soon hospitalized for the wound, but how about the cost? It is better if the money has been prepared before. What will he do if he gets bad injuries and he has to spend a lot of money for the treatment? His money is not sufficient to cover the payment. It is pretty bad, isn't it? It is important to have the best preparation with high risk life insurance.

What is High Risk Life Insurance?

The term high risk refers to the increasing of passing away risk. It is sooner and faster than the average lifespan. It can be labeled to a person with health, lifestyle or condition. So, it becomes a factor that makes people consider to obtain a policy for high risk life insurance.
Besides dedicating for health, high risk life insurance is dedicated to those who often do or perform high risk activity likes the pilot, long trip driver, soldiers, and others. People cannot avoid the accident that may happen when they do their high risk activity. Let's take a look at a pilot's case. Life insurance for high risk can cover the fee the family to pay when their family member who works as the pilot gets into an accident. At least the burden can be lowered.

This life insurance has the same principle with the other kind of life insurance. The policy holder will pay a premium for death benefit protection in return. The policy holder pays the savings component and a cash value (it depends on the type of policy which is purchased). The underwritten policy makes high threat life insurance different from the other type of life insurance. The policy holder may use a different guideline as a certain insurance company. It uses a particular underwriting, set as the coverage applicant is being reviewed. An insurer or policy holder may decline someone with his preexisting condition. The others accepts him.

Term Coverage and Permanent Coverage

high risk life insurance
There are two options you can choose with this kind of insurance. They are term coverage and permanent coverage. Each of them is different based on the need of customers. The policy depends on the specific requirements and the particular risk you are insured for. Term insurance offers you the protection of pure death benefit. It doesn't save components or cash value. This coverage is mentioned as the basic coverage of LSI. That is the reason why term insurance is cheaper than the permanent one.

Permanent high risk life insurance combines cash value build up and the death benefit protection. The price is higher than term insurance as you will have to pay the premium payment. The policy can be kept essentially. A tax deferred basis becomes the base where the cash value grows. You can either withdraw or borrow the cash anytime you need. If the insured passes away, the unpaid balance in cash account will be charged against the benefit of death.

How to Choose High Risk Life Insurance

As there are many insurance companies, it will be pretty hard to choose and decide on which company you will rely on. There are some matters you can consider and think before you choose the life insurance to cover your payment. Let's take a look at the first matter. That is experience. It is much recommended to choose the life insurance agent or company that is experienced with your risk. Each of life insurance agent or company has their own perspective to look at your risk.

The perspective may be different to each other. You can ask the insurance agent or company. You are currently working with, whether they have any relation to the specialist of LSI. If they do, it will be very helpful. If they don't, you can look for or search it on the internet. Soon, you will find some result. Life insurance for high risk which excels your risk. It will be easier to decide. Consider their offer, quality and service.

Demonstrate compliance and control is a must to do for the chronic medical issues such as arthritis, diabetes, asthma, and the others that you may have. Control means there is no other major complications. Compliance means you follow the doctor's recommendation. The other thing to prepare for high risk life insurance is your medical documents. You may be asked for the proof of your medical record like blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides or a1c level. Make sure that all medical records shown is still in normal limit. There is a possibility that you may be declined or highly rated. It is okay to return and reapply the record when you get the normal limits.

Prequalification Service

There is a process named prequalification service. Your risk may be sent to several companies even the formal application of high risk life insurance is not completed. You can expect the offers and service. You may get from some different life insurance companies. Here are some requirements of this service. As the first step, your insurance agents or companies will gather your detailed health record and information. They will write some summaries for the underwriters before they send it to any life insurance for high threat carrier. The life insurance carriers, afterwards, will consider the risk based on the health information and record.

Secondly, your health record and information will be reviewed by the life insurance companies. They will send you the written tentative offers. You can expect some rates as long as the things are disclosed and there is no change. Based on the tentative offers, you can choose and decide the best services and products which are offered by some high risk life insurance. As you have the decision, you can apply the company in a formal way. Your application will be attached to the tentative offer with your high threat life insurance agent.

It is very common that people are not able to qualify for coverage. It becomes such a misconception. The coverage which is affordable is obtainable. The agents of high risk life insurance can do this matter. They may have some expertise to qualify the life insurance coverage with health impairments. As long as the agents are working hard, this important coverage will be secured. It would be better if you always secure the coverage as you are still young and healthy as the health is not always promised.