Thursday 2 January 2014

LIC New Single Premium Endowment Plan 817

LIC Single Premium Endowment Plan (Table 817) is a single premium conventional With Profits Endowment Assurance Plan. This policy will be eligible for Simple revisionary bonus at a rate based on the corporation's experience with this policy. Final Additional Bonus may also be declared under this policy which will be payable on the expiry of the policy term or on earlier death provided the policy has completed a minimum no of years. 

 LIC New Single Premium Endowment Plan Features :

Single Premium plan which participates in the corporation's profits and is eligible for Simple reversionary Bonus • On survival of the policy holder till the end of the policy term, Sum Assured with Simple Reversionary Bonus along with Final Additional Bonus(if any) will be provided.
• The Life risk coverage starts after the policy holder completes 8 yrs of Age. 

 LIC New Single Premium Endowment Plan  Eligibility Conditions :

Sum Assured (in Rs.)
No Limit
Policy Term (in years)
10 yrs
25 yrs
Premium Payment Term(in years)
Entry Age of Life Insured
90 days
65 Yrs
Age at Maturity
18 Yrs
75 Yrs

 LIC New Single Premium Endowment Plan Returns :

Maturity Benefit – At the maturity of the policy, the policy holder will get Sum Assured + Simple Reversionary Bonus + Final Additional Bonus (if any). 
Death Benefit – 
· In case of death after the commencement of risk, nominee will receive the Sum Assured with accured Bonus and Final Additional Bonus if any.
· In case of death before the commencement of risk, The single premium policy will be returned excluding taxes and any extra premium paid.
Income Tax Benefit – Available under Section 80 C for Premiums paid and under Section 10 (10D) for returns

LIC New Single Premium Endowment Plan Table No 817 Premium Chart

LIC New Single Premium Endowment Plan Table No 817 Illustration

LIC New Single Premium Endowment Plan Table No 817

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