Friday 12 August 2016

General Insurance-5 Major insurance plans

There are 5 major categories of General insurance. General insurance is one of the essential insurance types that exist- the other one being Life insurance. General insurance is meant to protect against damages and losses that are unpredictable. For instance, protection against assets damage e.g. motor damage due to road accidents. On the other hand, home appliances are protected through a home cover/insurance plan. It is important that we look at these General categories.

1. Health Insurance
Poor health condition will cause inability to carry out the daily duties. Furthermore, the high costs involved in disease diagnoses, prevention and treatment procedures require large amounts of money. You may be caught off guard by this, and the best way to avoid it is through a health Insurance cover. The insurance will cater for all the expenses that will be required. Therefore you are able to get the best treatment without fear of how you will clear the bills.
There are different insurance policies under this one, and here they are.
• Cover for Surgery
• Personal cover
• A comprehensive Family policy
• An all-inclusive Health Insurance cover
• Critical illness cover
• Individual accident cover
• Daily Hospital cash allowance

2. Insurance for Home property
Your home is among the biggest monetary investments that you have done in your life. It is important to protect it from any unanticipated disaster. This cover will protect all the treasures and assets that are in your house.

3. insurance for motor vehicles
You like speeding while driving on the highways and you boast about it to your friends. The question is, have you insured your flashy car? Since you have spent a lot of money in acquiring your car, it is paramount that you protect it from unforeseen road accidents. Motor insurance cover will enable you to get your vehicle repaired or even replaced with a new one in extreme cases of road accidents. You may decide to have a package policy (which offers protection for the damages caused to the vehicle as well as any injury to you or another individual) or have the Liability Only Policy that covers for death, personal injury and/or injury incurred by another person in the event of an accident.
Motor insurance has got some common plans, which include:
• Insurance for Commercial Vehicles
• Insurance for Two wheeler vehicles
• Insurance for your car

4. Insurance for your Travel
Sometimes, no matter how well you have planned for your trip, maybe abroad, something may go wrong. For example, you may find that your baggage has been misplaced or maybe you need some medical attention while on board among others. Your travel insurance cover will take care of all these misfortunes.
There are different travel insurance plans that you can choose from, and they include:
• Travel policy for your family
• Personal travel policy
• Travel policy for senior citizens
• Travel insurance for students

5. Insurance for Commercial activities.
You have succeeded in setting up your dream construction business or maybe a textiles manufacturing industry. It has cost you a lot of time and money to have it running. Do yourself a favour and acquire a commercial insurance for the industry or business.
The common Commercial insurance plans that you can choose from are:
• Insurance for any Liability
• Insurance for Marine investments
• Insurance for Property
• Insurance for Financial lines
• Insurance for Employee benefits
• Insurance for Engineering
• Insurance for Energy
• Insurance for international solutions

There you have it. Five general insurance categories that will help you safeguard your personal life, your family members’ life as well as your hard earned property and assets in your inventory.

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