Saturday 12 March 2016


Our healthcare group provides communication and marketing support for pharmaceutical companies, healthcare facilities and medical groups by applying an array of image-building tools and extensive experience.

Our experienced account team includes executives with extensive healthcare marketing backgrounds. We work regularly with trade, print and broadcast journalists covering a broad array of health issues on a national, regional and statewide basis.

Among our clients are the state’s largest hospice, a global pharmaceutical manufacturer, a statewide coalition of healthcare professionals, medical practice groups and individual physicians.

We position our healthcare clients before numerous targeted audiences through these services:

News releases and press conferences to announce expansion programs, specialized services or address timely issues. We are adept at positioning executives, physicians and other healthcare professionals as experts for newscasts or print coverage on topics drawing public attention – such as health risks, insurance changes, new diets and legislative and regulatory proposals.
Graphically pleasing and informative brochures, newsletters and other marketing materials.
Ghost writing and placement of bylined articles or commentaries on topics that position our healthcare clients as leaders in their field.
Speech texts and conference presentations on healthcare policies, regulatory proposals, suggested reforms, senior citizens’ services or other topics in consultation with clients.
Sophisticated web sites that we design, fill with authoritative content and maintain with regular updating.
Identity packages that create a consistent brand image through all materials, including logos, letterheads, ads, newsletters, videos, PowerPoints and signage.
Together with our Public Affairs practice, our Healthcare group is knowledgeable about consumer concerns and public policy discussions involving senior care issues, health insurance benefits, prescription costs and importation, home care, Medicare and Medicaid strains and other high-impact subjects.

Only a handful of issues are as important as healthcare to reporters and the public. At Marx Layne, we can leverage that concern into awareness and support for virtually any business in healthcare and related fields.

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