Friday 16 January 2015

S.M.A.R.T Investor Workshop 2015

*Latest: Seats are sold out. Thank you for your support!

There are so many workshops out there on investing that sometimes it can be hard to know which are the good or the bad? There are also some workshops which charge a very high price but teach very minimal content.

I've personally attended a lot of workshops before. Some are free previews while others are paid ones. All of us need to start somewhere and learning from people who are already successful in the world of investment can cut short our learning curve by a great length.

S.M.A.R.T investor workshop which is coming soon on the 24th of January brings to you 2 powerful speakers who will teach you all about investing. This event is on a Saturday and is happening conveniently at Suntec Convention Centre. For one whole day, you'll be able to get insights on the market going into 2015, get ideas that'll help you make the right investment analyses and decisions plus learn proven investment strategies that boost your investment returns and let you make money from the stock market.

So who are the 2 speakers?

The first speaker is Adam Khoo whom most of us are familiar with. Adam Khoo became a self made millionaire by the age of 26 making him one of the youngest millionaires in Singapore. He's also the best selling author of 13 books. I remembered many years ago when I was just started to get interested in investing, I searched on Google in an effort to find out who the successful millionaires in Singapore are? I saw Adam Khoo's name came up and was inspired by his story of how he became a millionaire by the age of 26. I started reading his books and even attended events where he would be speaking at. Expo and Suntec were 2 of the common places where I learnt on investments.

The second speaker is Victor Chng who's Investor and Co-Founder of The Fifth Person. Victor has been featured multiple times on national radio on 938LIVe MoneyWise for his views and opinions on how to invest successfully in the stock market. The Fifth Person is an investment blog and recently they started giving talks and even had their own online learning course which teaches you everything about investing. I've personally read their blog and the insights they provide is really of good quality. I've also heard Victor speak on radio before and can see that he's very knowledgeable and passionate when it comes to investing.

Some of his investment track record includes:

Japan food - 176% in three years
ARA Asset Management - 40% in two years
Armstrong Industrial - 47% in two years
Nera Telecommunications - 32% in one year
Boustead - 121% in four years
Super Group - 243% in two years

With 2 speakers and one whole day of workshop (9am-6pm), I'm sure you'll be able to learn a lot of stuff from it. Remember it's happening on the 24th of January which is coming very soon. Get your tickets below. Seats are limited so do act fast. You'll get a complimentary book from Adam Khoo as well. 

*Latest: Seats are sold out. Thank you for your support!

Click here to know more about the S.M.A.R.T Investor Workshop and get your tickets

*This is a sponsored post

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