Sunday 2 November 2014

CSR is OK...but what about Individual Social Responsibility ?

Ever since the launch of 'Swacha Bharat Abhiyan' by the Hon.Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modiji, there is an increased response from the Corporate world to contribute at least 2% of their annual Net Profit to this project.

This contribution by corporates reminds me of an NGO which raised money through a monthly contribution of just ONE RUPEE PER MONTH called RUPEE-A-MONTH (RAM) through its members. It becomes our Individual Social Responsibility (ISR) to contribute at least 2% of our Annual income to a Social cause which is close to our heart. In addition to this, it would always be better if we contribute our time, knowledge and skills to create an ecosystem around us to create equitable distribution of wealth and opportunities.

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