Friday 11 July 2008

Term Life Policy Issued in 4 Days — No Physical!

I’m Ed Shapiro, a SelectQuote licensed agent. On Monday, June 16, 2008, a young man contacted me. Another company had declined him for Term Life Insurance because of old driving records. He was anxious to get a policy.

SelectQuote represents a number of different Life Insurance companies that specialize in people with different risks. So I was able to recommend a company I believed would insure the gentleman. An added benefit was this company offered a “Rapid Issue” policy.

On Tuesday, June 17th the young man applied online for a policy. A representative of the Insurance company I had recommended contacted him that afternoon to confirm the information on the application.

On Friday, June 20th at 3:02 pm he was approved at the rate I had quoted him. He was greatly relieved.

One more thing: In addition to the incredibly fast service, the applicant did not have to take a physical exam!

The secret to saving time and money when buying Life Insurance is simple. It’s making sure you choose the right company for you. And that’s the essence of what we do at SelectQuote.

Ed Shapiro
SelectQuote Account Manager
1-800-304-3356 direct phone

Wednesday 19 March 2008

How to Extend Term Life Insurance even if you become uninsurable.

I’m Ed Shapiro, a SelectQuote licensed agent. A client, 74 years old, had a Term Life Insurance policy whose term was about to end. Over the years since he bought his policy, he had developed hepatitis and possible cancer.

Knowing he had become medically uninsurable, he asked me if there was any way he could still get Life Insurance.

I was delighted to explain that almost all of the Term Life policies SelectQuote offers have a “conversion and automatically renewable feature” that allows the policy holder to extend coverage — regardless of his or her health.

Our client was extremely relieved he could still provide protection for his family.

I received a call from the client’s wife. She told me that just three months after obtaining his new conversion policy, her husband died. She wanted to express how grateful she was that we were able to extend her husband’s Life Insurance.

Her settlement check arrived just two weeks after she advised us of her loss. And the money was invaluable in paying mortuary costs and setting up a Trust Fund for her.

Ed Shapiro
SelectQuote Account Manager
1-800-304-3356 direct phone

Friday 15 February 2008

Agent gets Term Life Application approved in 4 days for Iraq bound Soldier.

I’m Trudy Lum, a SelectQuote licensed agent. A soldier recently called me and asked if there was any way we could get him through the application process and approved for a Term Life Insurance policy before he was to be deployed to Iraq in two weeks.

I knew most Life Insurance companies would be reluctant to provide coverage for a soldier about to be stationed in Iraq for a year or more.

But through my extensive experience dealing with the underwriters at the Term Life Insurance companies that SelectQuote represents, I thought one company might write the policy — and at a competitive price. However, the short time frame could make it impossible.

I contacted the Life Insurance underwriter immediately and got an OK to streamline the process.

I started the application on January 17, 2008 and ordered the medical exam for January 21, 2008. The application and exam were completed on the 21st and forwarded to the Life Insurance Company.

On January 21st, the soldier’s application for a $600,000 30 year policy, best rate class, was approved as applied! The next day he received it and it went inforce.

While this is a very unique circumstance and might not happen again, it indicates the compassion SelectQuote and a very special Life Insurance company have to “go to bat” for our clients.

Trudy Lum
Account Manager
1-800-670-1468 direct phone